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Top Ten Facebook Tips & Tricks in Urdu

Top 10 Tips in Urdu
Face book has become second most popular website of the world. Many new facebook account holders have very limited knowledge about facebook tips and ticks. Facebook help topics are also available only in English language. That’s why we have decided to create a page for Urdu speaking people of the world about facbook Pakistan tips and tricks. These tips will help you in understanding the different features of number one social networking website i.e Here is the list of some important facebook tips in Urdu language given on this page,

1-How To adjust the number of received notifications?

2-How to stop receiving candy crush requests?

3-How To change profile picture into GIF?

4-How to stop auto play videos in your news feed?

5-How to off birthday notifications?

6-How to be updated with hot news stories?

7-How to view activities of past?

8-How to hide photo albums and events on your time line?

9-How to receive posts by any specific person continuously?

10-How to hide the list of your fiends from others?

Daily Nai Baat has published these top ten tips. In future we shall try to add more tips on this page about your favorite social media website, so stay in touch with and its facebook page.

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Top Ten Facebook Tips & Tricks in Urdu

Top Ten Facebook Tips & Tricks in Urdu