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2 in 1 Essay on Boy Scouts & Girl Guides For School Students

Two in One English Essay on Boy Scouts & Girl Guides (School Level Up To Class 10th)

Lord Baden Powell introduced this movement in 1910. It spread in England and became popular all over the world. It is to make the youth of nation useful citizen._______ is a training for the development of personality of young girls/boys. It makes them active, helpful, resourceful and trust worthy. It trains them to form habits of observation, obedience and self reliance. It forms their character. It makes them obedient and loyal.

English Essay


2 in 1 Essay on Boy Scouts & Girl Guides For School Students

The girls/boys who join the movement, become honest, responsible and punctual in imparting their duties. They observe high sense of morality. They help the needy and poor. They do their work adequately. They remain ever ready for emergency. They learn useful crafts and skills like camping, cooking, hiking, tracking, signaling and first aid. They learn how to cooperate and compete.

This movement is divided into three main stages to suit the needs of various age groups. The boy scouts/girl guides also take part in nation building activities. They help other people at all times.

A__________ is clean in thoughts, words, and deeds. All boy scouts/girl guides make promise to carry out the rules of movement. They are ever ready to soothe the sorrows of others. They wipe the tears of wretched. Their behavior with the people remains exemplary.

The boy scouts/girl guides possess balanced personalities. They enjoy good health. They take exercise regularly. They know that health is wealth. They know that health is wealth. They are generally active, agile and energetic. This is an extremely positive and healthy movement. It arouses the passion of patriotism also. It is very useful, noble, positive and healthy movement. It develops in the boys/girls the qualities of leadership and makes them the most useful members of the society.