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25 Super Tips For Fast Approval of Google Adsense Account

25 Super Tips For Approval of Google Adsense Account in Pakistan & Abroad
If you want to get Google adsense account then now you have landed on the best page of the web where complete complete guidance has been given in this regard. In this post we shall share 25 super tips for approval of Google Adsense account in Pakistan and abroad. We assure you that if you will follow these tips, your account will be approved in first attempt.

1-You must publish the original and unique content. Blogging is field only for creative writers. Now a days copied material can be detected very easily. If you are involve in plagiarism then forget that Google will approve your account. In case of accidental approval by using some tactical methods soon you website will be banned, so first of all try to produce quality and unique content. We have written many posts about creative and freelance writing. You must read them for further guidance.

2-It has been noticed that top level domains helps you a lot in the approval of your Google Adsense account. Blogger is the property of Google so if you will make a blog on and run it professionally then your chances of approval are also very good. Before choosing your blogging platform you must read our article “WordPress vs Blogger”. Sub domains and sites with free domain names and hosting are not approved. All these elements shows your seriousness towards blogging.

3-Size of your posts is also an important matter. Ideal minimum length of a post is 500 words. You should try to write more lengthy posts. No post of your blog should have below 300 words. In case of some unique post even 200 words are acceptable.

4-Domain age of the bloggers of Pakistan India Bangladesh and China should be six months at the time of applying for Google Adsense account. Again its too not a hard and fast rule as if you have posted quality content on your site then you may apply even after 3 to 4 months.

5-You must create contact us and about us pages before applying. It is a mandatory condition. Can you start a business partnership with an anonymous person then how it is possible that the one of the biggest companies of the world will like to make an anonymous person its business partner. You must provide at least one email in contact us page. Also upload contact us form.

6-Give due credit to the website from where you are getting any idea or picture. So give credit links in your posts. You may mark these links as no follow. It will increase your credibility in the eyes of google’s team.

7-You must create a privacy policy page before applying. Google is very strict in this regard. Respect of the privacy of people is foremost policy of all renowned websites. So do not ignore this mandatory condition. You should not only publish your privacy policy but also follow it strictly.

8-Try to use premium theme as it will show that you are a serious blogger.

9-Your site must has easy navigation and majority of your posts must be related to your nitch. Easy navigation system makes your site user’s friendly and Google also like it.

10-Try to fetch organic traffic towards your website by using the SEO techniques. If majority of your traffic comes from social networking sites then first try to increase your organic traffic. Here by organic traffic i mean the traffic which comes to your site through search engine. Try to learn the use of Google adwards keywords planner. We have written a detailed article on this topic. Do read it first.

11-You must have 400 to 600 daily organic traffic


25 Super Tips For Fast Approval of Google Adsense Account

12-It is recommended that your site should not be under construction and you must have posted at least 60 to 100 posts on your blog.

13-Provide such an easy residential address where you can easily receive ordinary post.

14-It is also recommended to apply through that email address which you have mentioned in your contact us page.

15-It is also mandatory that your domain name should be registered with your own name through which you are going to apply for google Adsense account.

16-Not only read carefully but also apply the Google Adsense policies on your blog.

17-Its an important tip that before approval at least try to write articles which drive the traffic from Western countries specially from USA.

18-Do not use ads on of any other advertiser on your blog till you are not approved by Google Adsense.

19-Avoid spamming and do not try to build so may links which looks unnatural.

20-Avoid creating Google Adsense account through any third party website.

21-Try to buy renowned hosting service as in case of slow server speed Google can ban your account any time even after approval.

22-Now a days number of mobile visitors have increased from the number of desktop visitors so your site should be mobile friendly. We recommend you to use responsive theme or add any wp plugin for making your wordpress site mobile friendly.

23-Some Bloggers suggest that if you will apply through a blogger’s blog your account will be approved much easily but i disagree with them as i think that content is the key factor.

24-Try to ad pages about copyright policy and disclaimer too as it will give a professional touch to your website.

25-Last but not least after quality content your emphasis should be on on-page SEO. Avoid key words stuffing and follow the rules of on page SEO strictly. It is said that content is the king but i would like to alter this saying by adding that content is the king and SEO is the queen.

In the last i will like to recommend you that Google Adsense is not the last option for earning money online. Even in case of approval of your Google Adsense account you should consider other options too as one should not keep his all eggs in one basket. We have written number of articles on making money online in our earn money category. If you are seriously interested in knowing the different methods of earning money online then visit our earn money category daily.


How To Earn Money Online Through Google Adsense ? Approval Tips