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3G Technology-Introduction, features & Benefits

3G Technology

3G technology is available in almost all the countries of the world but due to some technical issues it is going to be launched in Pakistan after a great delay. Now when Pakistan is going to enter in the era of 3G technology since many people have no idea that what is 3G technology and what benefits it will bring for people. In this article i shall introduce you people with 3G technology and its salient features.

Introduction of 3G Technology

3G is the third generation of wireless or cellular technologies which is far advanced than the prior technologies. It has brought revolution in the world of communication world wide. It is costly but still very popular due to its breath taking benefits. It will change the life style of people, who will be able to buy 3G compatible cell phones and afford  the cost of service. It was introduced for multimedia communication. It basically a mobile phone related technology which provides fast connection of internet on your cell phones. 3G increases the data transfer speed many times higher than before on your mobile phones.

Benefits of 3G Technology in Pakistan

You will be able to down load your favorite movies,songs and other heavy files at unbelievable fast speed. You can play and download your favorite games at a same time.You can watch live TV through the internet easily without any disturbance. Video calling is the biggest benefit of this technology. It allows you to have a live video chat with your friends and relatives who are living overseas. The quality and clarity of the live video will surprise you. College and university students can share their study notes via Google Docs and other data sharing websites.
Doctors can send reports of their patients to senior consultants in developed countries. Foreign surgeons can supervise any operation live. Patients can too meet their consultants on phone. Tourists can get detailed local maps, weather and  traffic reports while traveling. Business personals can send and share their heavy project blue prints and proposals. Employers can interview job seeker without calling them in office using this wonderful technology. Mobile phone will replace notebooks and lap tops.
Video conferencing will become much easier and fast. As a whole we will be able to promote e-commerce, e-courts, e-learning, e-governance and e-medicine, It will save your time and make your life more productive, luxurious and safe. It will also bring heavy foreign direct investment in Pakistan.

Economic studies conducted by ITU World Telecommunications Database Statistics show that with only 1 % increase in a country’s broadband Internet access, GDP per capita increases by about ten % (USD), and 1 %  increase in cell phones results in a GDP per capita increase of approximately 5 % (USD). So it will increase employment opportunities for Pakistani youth in telecommunication sector. 3RD generation technology will also increase our international trade, economic growth, literacy rate and connectivity with the world.
However now this technology is also becoming out dated. Many countries has adopted fourth generation technology such as Scandinavian countries. Still it will bring uncountable positive changes in Pakistan.

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