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A Light Javed Chaudhry Column For Youth

A Light and Impressive Javed Chaudhry Column
Javed Chaudhry is one the most popular column writers of Pakistan. His every Urdu column has some message. He tries to teach some lessons throough his columns. We publish his Javed Chaudyry columns just due to their educational values. He writes Urdu column in fastest growing newspaper  of Pakistan i.e daily express. Yestrerday he worte a light Urdu column but still he tried to convey some message to his readers through his Urdu column. We could not publish it yesterday due to heavy work load. But this Javed Chaudhry column is still fresh due its lightness and hidden message.

He recalled some innocent funny incident of his childhood. He tried to convey his message to his reader that you can achieve every goal in your life with continuous struggle and commitment. He quoted the examples of different renowned personalities from different walks of life, who were ordinary people in the initial phase of their life and just because of their determination and hard work they have got a respectable place in society.

He urges youth to follow the examples of these successful personalities, if they too want to succeed in life. I hope you will like Javed Chaudhry column and try to act upon his advices. As there is no alternative of hard work and hard work never remains unpaid. There is no short cut of success in life and for sustainable progress in life, you will have to struggle hard. So start enjoying your work and don’t take it as burden in this way, you may be able to excel in life. Our youth has great potential for progress and there is a need of just commitment. You can explore and sell your talent by continuous struggle.  Stay in touch with your own website and its face book page for best collection of Urdu columns.

A Light Javed Chaudhry Column For Youth

A Light Javed Chaudhry Column For Youth jvaed 22

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