Advertising Strategies, Courses, Jobs, Career, Scope & Courses

Advertising Definition, Strategies, Courses, Job Areas, Degrees, Job Opportunities Career & Scope in Pakistan   

Advertising – Introduction & Definition 
Advertising is one of the best professions in the modern age. Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage people to take some new action as per the desire of advertiser. This field has become very wide now. Anyone can advertise through following means
TV Channels
Cable Network
Out Door Advertisement
Call Centers

Advertising Strategies, Courses, Jobs, Career, Scope & Courses

Advertising Strategies, Courses, Jobs, Career, Scope & Courses

Usually advertisements are given for commercial purposes but some times political, ideological and religious elements of society also propagate their messages through advertisement. Now a days branding is the most popular area in this field.

We are living in age of marketing. Majority of people think that there is no difference between marketing and advertising. Marketing is a wider field than advertising. Advertising is the most important branch of marketing. An advertising expert can earn unlimited money. He can get executive job very easily. But its a field for creative minded people only. Here you need to introduce best advertising strategies. You should be able to think out of the box. If you have unique advertising strategies in your mind then its the best field for you. Majority of advertising experts either launch their own business or advertising agency after getting some practical experience. Its a virtual field where you are given huge money just for creative ideas. Even political parties will contact you for their election campaigns. We have entered in the era of internet so you must have knowledge about internet advertising. Management qualities are also required in this field as you will have to prepare complete campaign for different products. You must also have good verbal and writing communication skills.

Advertising Jobs, Career & Scope
Employment Areas
Advertising Agencies
TV Channels
Digests and Magazines
Government Public Relations and Information Departments
Media Cell of Political Parties
General Websites
Publishing Houses
Online Business Websites
Marketing Companies
Marketing and Sales Departments of different companies and industries
Educational Institutions
Marketing Firms
Media Houses
Call Centers
All Industries & Commercial Firms and Businesses

Job Types
Advertisement In-charge
Marketing Expert
Creative Editor
Media Manager
Brand Promoter
Propaganda Expert
SEO Expert
Sales Promotion Officer
Tele Marketer
Expert of E-Commerce
Media Planner
Social Media Optimization (SMO) Expert
Adviser of Political Parties
Web Marketer
Its a professional field and a creative minded person will never repent on choosing this field.

Advertising – Required Skills
Sharp mind
Should have command on economics
Budget making ability
Should be aware of latest marketing trends
Creative nature
Passion for excelling in life
Command on telemarketing and web marketing
Out of the box thinking ability
Confidence on his skills and talent
Urge for launching his/her own business
Interest in experimentation
Good observance skills
Ready to face the challenges

Advertising – Courses & Degrees
Although Pakistan has a very strong advertising industry but still at least we do not know about any specialized degree in this field. You will have to go MBA marketing degree for entering in this field, but some management schools are offering short courses diplomas and PGD in advertising. Hajvery university is too offering B.Sc. Film,TV, Advertising & Media Studies. Believe me a creative minded person do not need any professional degree in this field and a dull person even with PhD degree can not be successful as an professional advertiser. He can only join academia as in practical field creativity is more required element than your academic knowledge and information. Creative minded persons now can get 1 or 2 years diploma from skill development council on the basis of their prior learning and experience.

Best Advertising Strategies
1-You must make a comprehensive campaign with low budget to attract the advertiser.
2-Use unique means of advertisement. got popularity due to its low cost ads on rickshaws.
3-SEO and SMO are cheapest means of advertisement.
4-Never cross the allocated budget.
5-Stay in touch with latest marketing trends.
6-Try to focus only on your targeted audience/market.
7-Never ignore traditional means of out door advertisement.
8- Note the new ideas immediately in your mobile or personal diary.
9-Try to improve your observation skills.
10-You must have prepared plans for people of different budgets.
11-You must also have collection of ideas for different campaigns.
12-Contact us for new ideas about all kinds of advertising strategies.