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Affiliate Marketing-How to Earn Money with Clickbank? Top Ten Tips

How To Make Money Online with Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Program? Top Ten Super Tips For Beginners
Clickbank is a global Internet retailer and it has about 200 million customers around the world. If you want to earn money online then affiliate marketing is a recommended option for you. Clickbank is the best affiliate marketplace for beginners. Here you can earn unlimited money. Clickbank offers up to 100% affiliate commission. Yes its a fact you may earn from 30 to 100 percent affiliate commission through this amazing platform. 100% commission is offered by new vendors only. You may earn money online through Clickbank by following two means;
As an Vendor
As an Affiliate

Affiliate Marketing-How to Earn Money with Clickbank? Top Ten Tips


Affiliate Marketing-How to Earn Money with Clickbank? Top Ten Tips

Initially i shall recommend you to start as an affiliate, but you must also think about becoming a vendor. Everyman has an God gifted talent. By discovering your inner talent you may become a vendor too and you must become a vendor in near future. We shall guide you in exploring your inner talent.

Who is an Affiliate?
An affiliate promote the products of clickbank vendors through various platforms like websites and Affiliate marketer is given commission on the sale of each product through his website.

How To Get Traffic For Your Website?
You may get traffic through organic and free sources. We shall recommend you to get organic traffic. You may get organic traffic for your website through proper key word selection, video marketing, social media and forum posting. Traffic driven through keywords is the real and long term mean of getting organic traffic. Paid traffic can be obtained by SEM and SMM. Google Adward and Facebook are best means of getting paid traffic. Its an expensive and risky mean of getting traffic for your website. Read our article on SEO for guidance about getting organic traffic for your website.

How To Monitor Your Sales?
ClickBank is using a special method for promotion of products of its vendors. Affiliates are given a special tracking URL, which is called HopLink. This link informs the Clickbank that which product of its any vendor has been sold by which affiliate. Resultantly the affiliate is given his due commission on sale of each and every product by his specific HopLink. Its a flawless process and you don’t need to even monitor sales through your website of social media accounts.

Top Ten Super Tips About Making Money Online Through Clickbank Affiliate Program
1-Never rely on the affiliate program of just one website. Your second destination should be amazon affiliate program. Now many Pakistani websites have also launched their affiliate programs. We shall write detailed articles on all best local and international affiliate programs.

2-Learn the art of selling services and products by exploring your talent. You may also sell your products on clickbank. We shall guide you in this regard too in near future.

3-Initially digital products were sold on clickbank but now it seems that company has changed its policy. Its a golden opportunity for you. Kindly avail it.

4-You may learn the method of promoting clickbank products by reading our following article.

5-Clickbank will just take 7.3% + 1 $ on each sale of a vendor. Its not too high so think creatively.

6-Use the product related to nitch of your website.

7-In spite of launching a simple product review site try to launch a general website and write reviews on it as it will you in earning moeny online through CPC/PPC ad networks.

8-You must try to learn the art of writing great product reviews. Read our posts related to creative writing for guidance in this regard.

9-Always chose quality products which have lot of lot of reviews from customers. Through this policy you may win the trust of people on your product reviews/website and it will increase your affiliate sales in future,

10-Browse all categories of clickbank before selection of product to promote and after product selection use all possible ways to promote it like product review, social sites, youtube etc.

Stay connected with for reading useful articles on making money online.

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