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Agriculture Helpline Number in Punjab-Get Free Tips & Guidance

Farming Helpline Number in Punjab (Agriculture Consultation Centre)-Get Free Suggestions & Solution of Your Agriculture Related Problems By Calling at 0800-17000

Pakistan is basically an agricultural country. Majority of our population live in villages. Agriculture is the main occupation of our rural population. Punjab feeds the whole country and even Afghanistan. Our economy is also an agri based economy, but unfortunately our majority of farmers are illiterate and they have no knowledge about modern research in the field of agriculture.


Very limited number of students from rural areas get admission in agriculture colleges and universities and majority of agriculture graduates do not stay in the country or do not educate the farmers in the villages. There was need of free short courses for farmers and free agriculture helpline in Pakistan specially in Punjab province. Punjab government has taken at least one initiative in this regard by launching a farming helpline number.


Now Punjab government has launched an agriculture consultation centre, where experts will guide the farmers free of cost through agriculture helpline number 0800-17000. Free solution of agriculture related issues will be provided through this helpline number. Technical guidance will be provided about new variety of seeds, pesticides and modern machinery. Farmers can call at this agriculture helpline number from Monday to Friday. Kindly call from 11 AM to 5 PM. We welcome this farmers friendly step by government of Punjab. Other provinces should also take such steps.


Agriculture Helpline Number in Punjab-Get Free Tips & Guidance

Agriculture Helpline Number in Punjab-Get Free Tips & Guidance