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B.Com IT Eligibility, Subjects, Further Study Options, Career & Scope

All About B.Com Information Technology
B.Com is the most popular degree in Pakistan but now B.Com IT degree has also been introduced and many students are asking us that which is the best choice. In this article we shall discuss the scope of B.Com IT. B.Com IT enhances the employment opportunities and further study options for you. You can get job both in IT and commerce field. Now a days there is deep connection between Commerce/Banking/Accounting/Auditing and IT. Simple Bachelor of Commerce have to get command over IT due to which they have to get admission in different diplomas and short courses related to IT to excel in their field rather i should say to survive in their field. B.Com IT provides you an opportunity to get a command over Information Technology while studying Commerce.

B.Com IT Eligibility, Subjects, Further Study Options, Career & Scope

B.Com IT Eligibility, Subjects, Further Study Options, Career & Scope

After completion of degree you have more further study options. You may go for an IT degree too other than M.Com and MBA . Every employer likes to hire a multidimensional employee. Either you go for Commerce or IT degree after graduating, you certainly have the know how of the other field too which makes you preferable choice for any employer. Many students go for MBA IT after B.Com IT, which again is a good choice. But here i want to make it clear that only those students must go for MBA IT and B.Com IT type dual degrees, who have an strong urge to excel in life as these degrees require lot of hard work and you have to remain in touch with the internet and ever-changing IT world. BS IT, B.Sc IT are the full time IT degrees. IN B.Com IT you will have to get extra knowledge about Information Technology yourself.


In these dual degrees you are not given the in depth knowledge of Information Technology, that’s why i am saying that you will have to work hard during and after your B.Com IT degree. You will have to build self study habit for improving your skill. IT is a vast field so do not take it lightly. Many lazy students even can not grip a single field that’s why many career counselors are against this degree. They argue that master of every thing is master of nothing but i strongly disagree with this argument as we are living in computer age and computer/IT has become part and parcel of every field. So this degree is the requirement of the current age and i am just emphasizing to get deeper knowledge of IT for those students who have a strong urge to excel in life. Otherwise your emphasis must be on Commerce and you should just get basic of IT for your survival in the job market because Commerce its self not and easy field for every one.


Employer expects that you have command over both fields but if you can not do so then you must master your main field i.e Commerce and should have necessary knowledge of Information Technology too. Here i will quote the example of my one of my friend who did BSCS from PUCIT and MBA from VU. After working as software developer in software house for 5 years, now he is going to start his own software company. His MBA degree gave is helping him to start his own business just in the period of few years because he remained in touch with business field even during his job period. You can do this too if you have will.



It is 2-Year full time study program. Some universities are offering this program in semester system(Four semesters of six month duration each while majority of universities are offering B.Com Information Technology in annual system. Syllabus of B.Com IT also differ from university to university. Here we are giving the list of some common subjects.     

Principles of Accounting
Business Statistics and Mathematics
Introduction to Business
Money, Banking and Finance
Functional English
Computer Applications
Pakistan Studies
Advanced Accounting
Cost Accounting
Business Taxation
Business Law
Economic of Pakistan
Business Communication and Report Writing
Islamic Studies or Ethical behavior for Non-Muslims


Eligibility Criteria For B.Com Information Technology

Students who have passed their HSSC/inter exam for example  F.A. F.Sc, I.C.S, I.Com, A- Levels (3 Subjects) or any other equivalent exam can apply for admission in B.Com (IT) Program.


Employment Areas For B.Com IT Degree Holders
Insurance company
Income tax firms
Stock exchange
E- Commerce firms
IT department of any public and private organisation
HR department
Finance department
Audit department
Cash department
Civil service
Investment companies
Financial institutions like HBFC, Leasing companies etc
Chamber of commerce
Marketing Department


Further Study Options After B.Com IT
MA Economics
M.Sc Banking & Finance
M.Sc Supply Chain Management
M.Sc Project Management

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