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BCB Banned Local Fans From Flying Flags of Other Countries

Bangladesh Cricket Board Banned Local Fans From Waving the Flags of Rivals

Bangladesh Cricket board banned the Bangladeshis from flying the flags of other countries (Pakistan). Hasina Wajid’s government could not tolerate the fact that Bangladeshi People still love Pakistan. They supported Pakistani cricket team in its matches during the twenty twenty cricket world cup and Asia cup. Awami league is a Pro Indian Secular party which is ruling over Bangladesh against the will of people.

Awami league is also going to ban Jammat e Islami in Bangladesh. But in spite of her utmost desire and efforts Hasina Wajid could not change the minds and hearts of common people of Bangladesh. They still have firm belief on two nation theory. They believe that we are two countries with single soul. No one can separate our hearts. She must know that all the Muslim in the world are like real brothers. We Pakistani salute the brotherly sentiments of Bangladeshi people. Bangladesh cricket board should keep sports out of politics.

Its an immature and political decision of BCB. How you can force people to support the team they like. Its clear violation of right of free expression and freedom of speech. This decisions shows the inner sense of insecurity of present Awami league government. This decision also showed the fact that Hasina Wajid has imposed a dictatorship in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh government should learn some lesson from history as no won could ever change the hearts of people through such stupid and nonsenses tactics. Please forget the past and live in present and don’t politicize the game of cricket. Cricket is a gentleman game and such actions are harmful for the game of cricket. Even the International Cricket Council (ICC) has also taken notice of the ban on Bangladeshi fans supporting other countries and sought an explanation from the BCB. We hope that BCB will withdraw this immature decision and Bangladeshi government will change its pro Indian and anti Pakistan policies.
BCB banned local fans from flying flags of other countries



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