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Best Short Computer Courses For Beginners For Making Money Online

Computer is a vast field if you are not a professional computer programmer then still you can earn a handsome money by doing some short computer courses. There are wide range of short computer courses available in market and students feel difficulty to chose a perfect computer course for earning money online .

According to my humble opinion there are two best short computer courses which can help you in your job search and you can earn lot money through these courses as a freelancer too. Now we shall discuss theĀ  both computer courses in detail.

Web Master Course
The first course is webmaster course which include the training of blogging and you will be able to make a website or blog without any knowledge of programming. In this course you are taught to build a website using Blogger and Word Press. You can easily learn the blogging through blogger and word press maximum in a month. And after that you can start your own business of making websites for different individuals and companies. You may also start your own blog and can earn lot of money through google adsense, adhithz, infolinks and other on line advertisers.

Best Earn Money Online Class in Lahore

You may also earn money through your blog by affiliate marketing. You can also get the job of a web master in different organizations. But remember one thing that for starting you own website you must have two extra qualities i.e English writing skill and knowledge about the subject on which you will make a blog. There are certain other ways through which you can make blogs without having these qualities but i shall not recommend and tell you about those ways at all.

Search Engine Optimization Course
Second course is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In this short computer course you are taught that how you can rank your website higher in the google search. Basically there are two kinds of search engine optimization i.e on page optimization and off page optimization. Both are equally important. It is a technical course but its duration is also maximum one month. After completing this course you can get the job of SEO expert in many website and software houses.

If after the webmaster course you will decide to launch your own website or blog then you will have to get the training of search engine optimization as without this you will not be able to bring traffic to your blog. Seo experts are taking good salaries in the market. Both these computer courses are professional courses which will enable you to earn money online. Both these computer courses are highly recommended for every student who want to earn money online or want to get some skill to express his talent. Many institutes are offering short computer courses of webmaster and seo but the best institute which offers the both computer courses in just one month is E-earning house 342- D shad bagh Lahore.

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We shall also try to publish some free tutorials about these courses for our readers to help them for earning money online. So visit your own website and its face book page regularly for having career guidance.

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