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Best Treatment of Influenza, Flu & Common Cold in Urdu and English

Best Medicines  For The Treatment of Influenza, Flu & Common Cold

Influenza or flu are viral diseases. Its a fact that modern medical science has still failed to invent an antibiotic for killing a virus. Virus is the worst enemy of human beings in 21st century. We can just try to control the effects of viral diseases through modern medicines like flu or influenza. You should use traditional medicines and techniques for the treatment of influenza or flu as they are more effective i these diseases than modern allopathic medicines.   Flu or influenza are more dangerous than common cold. Never allow any of these diseases to become chronic. Consult qualified doctor for expert advice. Today we shall share some super tips with you about the treatment of these diseases in Urdu and English languages.   

Modern Homeopathic Treatment For Flu or Common Cold
In homeopathy WS 6 is a good local compound medicine for this purpose. This medicine is available in Pakistan only. Cinnabaris Pentarkan Ptk # 31 is a medicine by international homeopathic company Schwabe which is used for the treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis. Eupatorium Pentarkan Ptk No 43 has great results in flu and influenza. In case of chronic bronchitis you should use Senega Pentarkan Ptk No 77 and in case of acute bronchitis use Sticta Pentarkan Ptk # 82. Aconitum Pentarkan Ptk # 2 is a supporting medicine for all kinds of acute infection of respiratory tract.

Traditional Treatment of Common Cold or Influenza 
Joshanda (Liquor) is very effective for the treatment of flu or influenza. Johar joshanada by Qarshi Pakistan or joshina by Hamdard Pakistan have good results in flu and common cold. Use Liquorice Root (malathi) and drink the juices with maximum vitamin C. Take steam daily as its a very useful time tested technique in such conditions. Avoid using cold water. Take dry fruits. soup, honey, vegetables and fruits in winter season. Read the article by Ayesha Khan for further guidance, which was published in daily dunya.  

Modern Allopathic Medicine Medicine For Treatment of Influenza, Flu  & Common Cold 
As per dr Asif Mehmood Jah following allopathic medicines are effective in influenza or flu.He also admit there is no use of taking antibiotics in these diseases. So avoid taking steroids or antibiotics in influenza. You may take vitamin c tablets too. 
You may read the details about best medicines for common cold and influenza in the newspaper cutting below this post. We have taken this news cutting from daily dunya. You may also get free medical advice from our panel of doctors and experts of traditional medicines.

Best Treatment of Influenza, Flu & Common Cold in Urdu and English

Best Treatment of Influenza, Flu & Common Cold in Urdu and English

Best Treatment of Influenza, Flu & Common Cold in Urdu and English