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Biomedical Engineering Introduction, Eligibility, Career & Scope

Comprehensive Introduction of Bio-Medical Engineering
Bio medical Engineering is relatively a new engineering field. Its an engineering discipline of future. This field combines the engineering and medicine. Its a research and development oriented program. BM engineers design and develop systems and equipment related to medical field like artificial organs, diagnostic devices MRIs, EEGs and general clinical equipment. Other then research work they also deal with adjustment, maintenance and repair of BM equipment. They also provide technical supports to clinics, hospitals and diagnostic labs. Some of them perform quality testing job too by evaluating the safety, efficiency and effectiveness of BM devices. They also train doctors and paramedical staff for best use and care of BM instruments.

Biomedical Engineering Introduction, Eligibility, Career & Scope

Biomedical Engineering Introduction, Eligibility, Career & Scope

Some times they have to develop software/hardware and design electrical circuits too. They play the role of bridge between industry and hospitals & labs. They can better understand the problem which doctors face while diagnosing diseases and can design equipment for fixing the problems in medical diagnostic field. They can easily play the role of coordinator due to their background in both engineering and medicine which helps them understanding the clinical problems and creating products for their solution. They also develop material for making different artificial body parts. They design exercise machines for physiotherapists and orthopedic doctors too. They also work in the field of surgical equipment and rehabilitative equipment. In short a Biomedical engineer is a person who strive to serve humanity.

Qualities Required For Success in Bio Medical Engineering Field
A bio-medical engineer must have problem solving and research instinct. Analytical skill is also needed. Communication skill is required for communicating with doctors, patients for knowing their issues to sharing them with your fellow engineers. Although this field is related with medical but basically its an engineering discipline so you must be good in Mathematics. Adaptability, kind heart, hardworking nature and love for your job are also required qualities for success in this field.

Eligibility Criteria For Biomedical Engineering
In Pakistan and many other countries this field is open both for F.Sc Pre Medical and F.Sc Pre Engineering students. DAE diploma holders are also eligible to apply for admission. Candidate must have got at least 60 percent marks in FSc/A-Level or any equivalent exam. Some universities like Ziauddin University, Karachi also grants admission in zero semester to students who have got 50% marks in F.Sc. One the other hand some universities take entry test before granting admission.

Bio medical Engineering has great scope in future. Although in Pakistan we do not have research institutions but still all the hospitals and labs need the services of BM engineers. With the passage of time the use of sensitive high tech instruments and equipment is increasing in medical field and the time is near when every public and private hospital will have to hire the services of Bio-Medical engineers.
Warning- Remember that the institute which you will chose mus be affiliated with PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council).

Career & Scope (Biomedical Engineering)
Some career counselors have opinion that it is quite risky to go for a new field due to uncertain future but we think that if you have interest in any field and you take it as your passion then there will be no issue of job search for you as talent is sold even in recession period of economy. Furthermore as its a new field so you will have to face relatively less competition in job market. Pioneers of any field earn fame and money both,

Employment Areas
Diagnostic labs
Research Centers
Medical Manufacturing Companies
Quality Assurance Department
Medical Equipment stores
Medical Equipment Supplier Companies
Medical Equipment Repair Labs
Maintenance and installation firms
Marketing Field as they can easily convince doctors for buying any equipment

Job Types
BM Engineer
Bio Chemist
In-charge of Lab
Maintenance in charge
Repairing in charge
In-charge of BM technicians
Business man

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