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Biophysics Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Required Skills & Nature of Work

Biophysics Introduction, Jobs, Required Abilities, Nature of Work, Career & Scope in Pakistan And All Over The World 
Its a field of science where we study the application of Physics laws on different biological, systems, processes and Phenomena. In easy words its a molecular science which explains different biological processes at molecular level. This field has close connection with biochemistry, nanotechnology, zoology, bio-engineering, microbiology, computational biology, botany, systems biology and general physics. In this field we study implications of Physics rules on living organism and ecosystem. Scientist Karl Pearson first used the term Biophysics in 1892.

Biophysics Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Required Skills & Nature of Work

Biophysics Definition, Jobs, Career, Scope, Required Skills & Nature of Work

Although cell is the basic unit of life but atom is the still the basic unit of all cells. That’s why its impossible to separate the physics from biology. Now scientists have realized that science is moving towards age of generalization again. So called era of specialization has ended now. All the disciplines of science are closely interconnected with each other. Even to study a cell, atom or molecule we need to have good knowledge about chemistry, physics, biology and nanotechnology.

Biophysics Jobs, Career & Scope
We have given two different list about jobs types and employment areas related to Biophysics field.
Biophysics  Job Types
Scientific Writer
Applied biophysicist
Clinical biophysicist
Editor of Scientific Journal
Medical biophysicist
Forensic biophysicist
Nutritional biophysicist

Biophysics  Employment Areas
Agricultural science
Pharmaceutical industry
Biotechnology field
Chemical Industry
Food-processing plants
Research Laboratories
Biophysics related industry
Computational biology field
Environmental science field
Forensic labs
Biologically-oriented high-tech companies & labs
Radiation science
Drug manufacturing industry
Cosmetic industry
Agricultural chemicals industries like fertilizers, herbicides & pesticides
Forensic science department
Medical science like EM (Electron Microscopy), CAT (Computer-Aided Tomography), Ultrasound, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), PET (Positron Emission Tomography), CT Scan & X-ray crystallography fields.
Research & Scientific Journals

Biophysics – Required Abilities
Interest both in physics and biology
Research oriented aptitude
Ability to conclude results from experiments
Analytical and logical mentality
Creative mindset

Biophysics – Nature of Work
1-Biophysicists do research on using microorganisms for biofuel.
2-They also work in the field of bioelectricity to control the energy crisis on the world.
3-They try to discover that how atoms and molecules are arranged in DNA and proteins of different kinds.
4-They do the research on working of DNA and proteins.
5-They work in the field of molecular Biology.
You should go for doctoral level degree in Biophysics for better career options. Visit, our new website and facebook page for guidance about different science disciplines.