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Breaking News- Pakistan Joins The Big Three Club

Breaking News- Pakistan has been Included in Big 4 Club
International Cricket Council ICC has granted Pakistan the status of forth big power of world cricket. President-ship of ICC will also be given to Pakistan in 2015 for two years. Pakistan will get 15 % revenue of ICC. Asian cricket council will be dissolved. Najam Sethi proved himself as a successful negotiator who has succeeded in getting the assurances of 6 series between India and Pakistan. Four series will be played in Pakistan while 2 in India.

Breaking News- Pakistan Joins The Big Three ClubBreaking News- Pakistan Joins The Big Three Club

Initially Pakistan was against the big three idea and South Africa, West Indies, Sri lanka and Bangladesh were also with us. But big three used the divide and rule policy once again and one by one all opponents of big three idea were convinced  by England India and Australia to favor this plan. In fact all these countries compromised on principles and supported this plan just for the sake of financial benefits. We remained alone in the world of cricket but thanks to Najam Sethi, who made it clear on the big three that without our support big three plan can not be implemented. Due to his diplomatic efforts Pakistan has been admitted as fourth member of big three club, which will now called big four club. PCB will get forth big share from the ads and TV rights now.

Now it is expected that soon foreign cricket teams will also play cricket in Pakistan. Big Four idea is also a non democratic idea but no other option had left for us after the decision of South Africa, West Indies, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. But still we shall get more benefit than these countries who compelled us to admit this undemocratic plan. Now all these countries will be repenting on their decision as they could get more benefits if they would have taken stand on principles. But now it is useless to cry over split milk. We congratulate PCB, Najam Sethi and whole nation on this success.  You can read the details in Urdu in the newspaper ad cutting below this post. Stay in touch with us for latest breaking news alerts.

Breaking News- Pakistan Joins The Big Three Club

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