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Breaking News About 5th & 9th Class Exams 2020 in Punjab

Latest Breaking News About Matric and PEC 5th Class Exams 2020
We have two breaking news for students of class 5th and matriculation. We have taken these news from daily express 19-08-2019. You may read the details about these breaking news on this page both in Urdu and English languages. In case of any news update we shall keep you inform through this page so stay tunes with Now read the breaking news one by one.


Ministry of education government of Punjab has finalized the educational policy for 5th, 8th 9th and 10th class exams. First breaking news is about Punjab Examination Commission PEC 5th class exam 2020. It has been decided that now Punjab examination commission will not take the 5th class exams. Concept of pass and fail will be eliminated from the Nursery to class 5th. 8th class PEC exam will be compulsory. All the syllabus of Nursery to 5th class will be in Urdu language. English will be just taught as a subject up to primary level.


Second breaking news is about matric exam 2020. There is also a suggestion about elimination of 9th class board exams. Schools will take the 9th class exams internally. Matric exam will be composite type just like past. In 2020 5th class students will not appear in board exams. PEC exam will be conducted just for 8th class students. Middle pass students will be issued certificate by respective board just like Matric students. 8th class board exam will be compulsory not only for students of government schools but also for students of all private schools.


What is your opinion about these two decisions of Punjab government. We are not in favor of composite exams. Without adopting English at national level in all departments syllabus should be in English. PEC should also not change its policies every year. Hopefully you will like this post on breaking news.


Breaking News About 5th & 9th Class Exams 2020 in Punjab

Breaking News About 5th & 9th Class Exams 2020 in Punjab