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Cancer, Intro, Precautions, Natural Treatment (Urdu-English)

All About Cancer & Its Signs, Prevention, Diagnosis, Diet, Health Tips & Natural Treatment in Urdu and English Languages
There have been so many people around us, who have been making hard efforts to actually know that how they can get rid of a dangerous disease like cancer. Cancer has been divided into so many categories in which we have complementary and alternative treatments of cancer. If you think that you are not able to have a sufficient control on your health because of the cancer, then choosing alternative treatment of cancer will help you a lot.


Prevention of Cancer Disease
The category of alternative cancer might not be helpful for you to deal with the cancer ailment but it can definitely help you to control the signs of the cancer to some extent. Some of the common signs which can appear due to cancer are pain, issue in sleeping, stress, nausea, anxiety and vomiting. This can be lessened all through the use of alternative treatments.


Well on the contrary side, you can also stop the growth of cancer cells in your body by taking some precautionary measures from your side. You should be completely avoiding the use of the tobacco in your life. You should quit smoking as soon as you get to know that you have some cancer ailments in your body. In addition you should maintain a healthy and balanced diet plan as well. This is so much important. You should be including your diet plan routine with the healthy fruits and vegetables. You should also limit the consumption of processed meat as well.


Treatment of Cancer 
Now let’s talk about the important and natural treatments to deal with the cancer ailment. One of the medical method/treatment of cancer is the acupuncture which is all about insertion of needles right inside your skin. This will be done at some precise points. This treatment is also effective when it comes to the control of nausea which can happen due to chemotherapy.


Aromatherapy makes the usage of some fragrant oils which is provided for the sake of calming the sensation. You can make the use of lavender oils for your skin which you can apply as a massage. In the same way certain exercises and yoga exercise routine can also bring a huge difference in your cancer treatment.


Treatment of Cancer Through Food
Choosing healthy fruits and vegetables to make it add up in your diet plan can also bring a huge difference when it comes to the treatment of cancer. You can make the choice of some cereals and some whole grain breads as well. Try to drink fresh juices instead of tea or coffee. Twice or thrice times in a week you can add your meal with some meatless items as well in which we will recommend you with the vegetarian lasagna or even for the vegetable stir-fry. In the dinner time you can take some leafy green salad in case if you are advised by the doctor to avoid taking raw foods. You should choose some lean meats as well as fish instead of looking for some fatty red meat as well as processed meats.


Cancer, Intro, Precautions, Natural Treatment (Urdu-English)


Cancer, Intro, Precautions, Natural Treatment (Urdu-English)

Cancer, Intro, Precautions, Natural Treatment (Urdu-English)