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Career as Sanitary Inspector in Pakistan, Courses, Pay, Scope, Responsibilities

Career & Scope of Sanitary Inspector Program in Pakistan, Duties, Diploma, Salary & Tips
You may have heard about this profession line which is known as sanitary inspector or it is also called with the name of public health officer. Or you can call this profession and post with the name of environmental health officer. In this field, you mainly have to enforce and design the techniques, systems and policies so that the environment health remain protected and secured. They inspect the food items, then these professionals have to look for the ways to control different health diseases. They do the investigating of public health nuisances. In the public health administration field, this post of sanitary inspector matters a lot. Now below you will know further about the career zone and scope line of this post. And we will too tell you about the pay range and duties, responsibilities encompassed by this post.


Career as Sanitary Inspector in Pakistan, Courses, Pay, Scope, Responsibilities

How Much is The Salary of Sanitary Inspector in Pakistan?
Talking about the monthly salary of this post of sanitary inspector, it is seen that these professionals make an earning of Rs 50,000 to Rs 100,000 on a per month basis in private sector. This is pretty much one of the handsome salary and per month ranges which are offered to these sanitary inspectors. And more gaining of experience will give you more salary and pay as well.

Which Jobs Can be Pursued by Sanitary Inspector Professionals in Pakistan? Career And Scope Aspect for You
Those who are on the post of sanitary inspector, they are free to work in the municipal councils, health & sanitation departments, railways stations, airports, 5 star hotels, district bodies, food control authority and drug administration.

Then these sanitary inspector professionals, they are also needed and required in the research departments, safety management departments, health-care industries, healthcare department, planning zones.

Duties And Main Responsibilities of Sanitary Inspector Professionals in Pakistan
It is their main duty to prepare all kinds of inspection reports. Then they have to maintain up the inspection records. It is also their important responsibility to take the serious amount of precautions whenever any of the public health issue come. These professionals have to inspect all sorts of vector diseases and look for the measures to control them.

Then these sanitary inspectors conduct and process the re-inspection plans. Moving to their other set of responsibilities, they have to review all health plans and issue licence to food establishments.

They have command in the zones of communicable disease control section and also in the elementary parasitology zone. These professionals have complete understanding on vaccination as well as on immunity. They have know how on vector borne diseases and possess the whole understanding on vital statistics.

Points To Be Remember About Career as Sanitary Inspector or Public Health Inspector
1-In government sector Sanitary Inspectors are generally given grade 8. Candidates with graduation/FSc with biology and relevant diploma/experience are preferred.
2-Generally one year diploma course of sanitary inspector is offered in Pakistan.
3-In some countries sanitary inspector is also known as public health inspector.
4-Punjab medical faculty PMF offers 2 years diploma in public health technology. After getting this diploma you can get the job of sanitary inspector both in public and private sectors. You may also apply for the post of manager sanitation and security.

Stay in touch and we will further explain to you the scope of this job post which is sanitary inspector. This position has become quite and extensively demanding. If you had some experience while working on this post, then share your feedback with us. And you can also let us know as what is the general career scope of this job position.