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Need and Importance of Career Counseling

Career counseling is very important for successful future of our students but unfortunately in Pakistan we do not have enough career counselors and our teachers and parents too don’t understand the importance of career counseling. Due to lack of proper career counseling creativity is dying in our next generation. Our students just study for white collar jobs. Parents teachers and students themselves are responsible for killing the natural talent of our students. We are not producing genius in any field of life just because of lack of career counseling.

Every student wants to become a doctor or engineer and when he fails to get admission in medical or engineering colleges then nobody guides him that what would he do now. At this stage many students without any solid reason change their stream of studies. Pakistan has one of the largest textile industry in the world but we don’t have enough textile colleges in the country. I met a student who has many degrees (MSC Mathematics/Bed/DHMS/LLB and MIT) and there was no connection between his all degrees and still he was going to get MBA degree. No body tried to guide him and thousands of other students like him that which field of studies will be suitable for them.

Unfortunately we people don’t believe in planning and career counseling. Even in so called high standard private educational institutes, you will not find any career counselor to guide the students about their future career. Some private higher education institutes have hired the services of career counselors but they misguide the students and try to convince students to get admission in any course of their employer institution.

We are producing thousands of Arts graduates every year without any planning. When these graduates don’t get job then in frustration they diverts towards unsocial and immoral activities. Our government is also responsible for this grim situation as government must prepare a comprehensive national educational policy and should bound all private and government educational institutes to hire the services of professional career counselors.

Fees of professional private career counselors are so high that a common person can not even think to consult them. Unprofessional career counselors are destroying the future of students on many educational websites. Universities should introduce career counselor departments and should launch  diploma to master level programs in this field. HEC and universities should establish career counseling centers to guide the students.

Career counseling is a science as well as art. Its a unique task in which career counselor try to judge the thinking, abilities, hidden talent and aptitude of the student to guide him properly. But in our country quacks are providing this service who neither have the knowledge about scope of different educational fields nor they understand the psychology of students.

Students are the future of our country they are our most precious asset, so its the duty of our government to guide them to save the future of our country. At present there are governments of four different parties in 4 provinces of Pakistan and if any party is sincere with the students and youth then it should take serious steps for providing the facility of career counseling to the students in the educational institutions of their provinces.

India is far ahead of us in this field and producing quality human resource for the country. As every individual can perform better in the profession which suits to his aptitude. If we also want to progress with rapid pace then our government must have to take revolutionary steps in this direction.

We are publishing articles on career counseling on our website and inshallah we shall provide every possible  guidance to our students. So visit your own website and its face book page regularly for comprehensive career counseling.

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