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Career in Psychology Field-Branches, Demand, Scope, Degrees (Urdu & English)

Career Counseling About Scope of Psychology Field in Pakistan-Branches, Demand, Jobs, Duties, Degrees (Urdu & English Guide)

The field of psychology, it has become so much in demand. In Pakistan and even at the worldwide range, the demand of psychologists cannot be neglected. Now many people are becoming the target of mental health issues, their mind is not getting stable and for this job, these psychologists are coming up. There is a need to understand the human behavior, there is a dire need to sort out the mental health issues and memory disorders present in the human beings. That is why the demand of psychologists is utmost increasing. Here you will know the scope of this field, we will tell you the different degree levels attached to it as well:

Important Branches of Psychology Field
There are many sub branches of this psychology field line. We have experimental psychology, applied psychology, comparative psychology, educational psychology, animal psychology, criminal and social psychology, child and theoretical psychology. These are the important sub fields or you can say the sub disciplines of this field. You can do the specialization in any one of it.

Demand of Psychology Field Professionals
The demand of psychologists is getting higher and higher. In every single country, the presence of these professionals is a must. You can become clinical and counseling psychologists, in this job line you will be working with the patients who have mental problems or those who have behavioral issues and emotional problems. You can become a child psychologist, in this profession, you will be focusing on the mental development and psychological development of kids, children and adolescents.

Scope of Psychology Field Line
There are many options which these psychologists an pursue. You can work with the older clients, and this profession and job line is named as geropsychologists. It is the job of geropsychologists that they have to make their patients competent enough so that they can take the legal decisions and also the medical decisions. They diagnose their mental disorders. The other option for you is to become a clinical forensic psychologist. In this job, you will be using your psychological expertise and you will be testifying in court. You duty will be to interview people who are mainly charged with the crimes so that you can determine that do they have a mental illness or not.

Degrees Part of Psychology Field
You can have the associate degree in psychology, this is the 2 year degree program. Or you can have bachelor degree in psychology, this is the 4 year degree program. Or you can have the option to do masters degree in psychology, basically this is the 2 year degree program. Lastly, you can have the PHD degree in psychology and this degree has the span of 5 years.

This is all about psychology field, more data will be given so keep connected. How many of you belong to this field, share your experience as well.

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Career in Psychology Field-Branches, Demand, Scope, Degrees (Urdu & English)


Career in Psychology Field-Branches, Demand, Scope, Degrees (Urdu & English)