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Career Options for Arts Students After Matriculation & O-Level

Further Study and Career  Options for Arts Students After Matriculation & O- Level in Pakistan
College life is very important part of one’s life. Lot of students chose wrong  path at this stage. Here on this page we shall discuss different study options after matriculation for arts and humanities students. Students have to decide about their future at this vital stage. One wrong decision at this time may detract their career. In this article we shall guide you about career options for Arts students fter Matriculation & O- Level.

Career Options for Arts Students
Arts students have very limited options after matriculation. Still they should utilize theirs available options very wisely. Seniors should guide them in this regard. Many students opt wrong subjects for getting admission in the college of their choice.

Although college or institution plays an important role in your career building but still you should prefer your aptitude and trends of job market in selecting your subjects. Never select a subject which has no worth or demand in market. Also avoid easy subjects because this is your career building stage and little hard work here will pay you in long run.

Scope of FA General Science Group
I strongly recommend general science group for all arts students. General science group include Mathematics, Statistics and Economics. All these are very potential and significant subjects. If you could not get admission in general science group in college of your choice, you should get admission in any low merit college. Remember that  this combination of subjects carries lot of weight-age and has great demand.

Career Options for Arts Students After Matriculation & O-Level

Career Options for Arts Students After Matriculation & O-Level

It also open lot of further study options for you. If you are repenting for opting arts subjects in matriculation, now you can again enter in ever booming world of science as these all three subjects are considered science subjects and you can get MSC degree in these subjects. But never kill your talent or natural skills if you have any kind of natural talent in any other field of arts then you must opt that line.

Scope of Intermediate in Computer Sciences ICS
Student study following subjects in ICS
Computer Science
Its again a good choice specially for those students who want to become software or hardware engineers in the future. By entering in ICS you can join the world of IT. But again if you are too weak in academics you should not go for this option as all these subjects need your full attention. You can opt any one or two subjects from Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, and Computer science in simple FA.

Scope of Intermediate of Commerce I.COM
Following subjects are taught in I.COM.
First year: Principles of Accounting, Principles of Economics, Principles of Commerce, Business Mathematics
Second year: Principles of Accounting, Commercial Geography, Computer Studies / Banking, Statistics
I.COM is also very popular among those students who want to join commerce or banking line in future. It will leads you towards BCOM, BBA, and BS in different disciplines. Presently I.COM is also taught in Urdu so academically weak students in English can  join it too.

Scope of D.COM

We have written a comprehensive separate article in scope of  D.COM.

Career  Options for Arts Students After Matriculation & O- Level

Scope of Simple FA (Humanities group)
In simple FA too students have to opt three subjects. Chose one subject of your own choice and remaining two according to market demand Here i am giving list of some very important subjects with their logic.

Scope of Different Arts Subjects of FA

ECONOMICS-Good subject for those students who want to become economists. MSC economics can get jobs easily.

MATHEMATICS-Strongly recommended subject can lead to MSC Mathematics, which is a highly demanding degree.

COMPUTER SCIENCE-Again a very useful subject. Its not too difficult like mathematics and open many doors for you in future.

STATISTICS-Like Mathematics you should opt this subject if you have tendency towards it. A bit technical but leads towards a bright career.

HISTORY– I know many of you could not remember dates. But still it is heart favorite subject for CSS seekers.

CIVICS– Good subject for those who want to become lawyer, politician, lecturer of Pakistan studies and political science.

FINE ARTS– Only recommended for those students who have natural tendency to become a artist.

HOME ECONOMICS– Every girl student should opt it for mastering the house hold affairs.

ISLAMIAT ELECTIVE– It is our religious obligation to learn maximum knowledge about our beloved religion.

ENGLISH– As you guys know that we are still mentally slave of west and our government is not ready to promote our national language so English literature can help you lot in mastering the language. MA English degree holders enjoy many employment opportunities in real life.

PSYCHOLOGY– Its a professional subject and you can become Psychiatrist in future if you opt this subject. Highly recommended subject specially for girls.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION-Again like fine arts this subject is not suitable for all students. if you want to become physical instructor and have natural talent than you should go for it.

EDUCATION– Good scoring subject for girls and for those who want to join teaching line in future.

ADVANCE URDU– If your Urdu is good and you and you have talent of poetry or writing or want to become lecturer then it will be right choice for you.

PERSIAN– Although a scoring subject but has very limited market demand.

FRENCH– Low scoring and difficult subject for common student. Competition is low in this subject but opportunities are also limited.

GEOGRAPHY– Useful subject with low market demand

PHILOSOPHY– I love this subject. It deals with logic and reasoning and logic says that i should not recommend this subject due to low market demand. But you can still opt it to for getting answers of your questions related to your inner and outer world.

ISLAMIC HISTORY– Easy and high scoring subject.

PUNJABI OR ANY REGIONAL LANGUAGE. High scoring subjects but have limited utility.

Selection of right college is also very important after matriculation and O-Level. We have written following three articles to guide you in this regard. You must read these article for proper guidance.

Government Colleges Admission Guide After Matric and O-Level

Private Colleges Admission Guide After Matric and O-Level

Cadet Colleges Admission Guide

Stay in touch with us and our facebook page for guidance about all your study, education and career related problems also visit other educational websites and feel the difference between your own website and others. Feel free to ask any question about career  options for Arts students after Matriculation & O- Level. Our team of career counselors is at your disposal round the clock.









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