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Career & Scope of Aerospace Engineering-Jobs, Introduction, Benefits, Tips & Job Nature

Aerospace Engineering/Astronautical Engineering-Jobs, Introduction, Benefits, Super Tips, Nature of Work, Required Abilities, Career & Scope in Pakistan & Abroad
Aerospace Engineering is one of most sensitive, technical and demanding engineering discipline. Aerospace engineers can work in three main fields i.e
Missile Technology
Space Technology

Aerospace Engineering/Astronautical Engineering-Jobs, Introduction, Benefits, Super Tips, Nature of Work, Required Abilities, Career & Scope in Pakistan & Abroad

Career & Scope of Aerospace Engineering-Jobs, Introduction, Benefits, Tips & Job Nature

All these fields have close connection with military too as military air crafts are produced more in quantity than the passenger aircraft. Missiles are 99% used for military purposes. Where as now a days satellites are also used for gathering intelligence and even to attack the enemies through intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). Pakistan has entered in the era of missile and fighter aircraft. Soon we will be able to build intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) and space shuttles too. We have already sent our satellites in space. The day is not far when first Pakistani astronaut will walk in space and land on moon. We still need lot of professionals in the field of aerospace engineering. All those students who have great dreams for their own future and country must get admission in aerospace engineering.

We shall recommend you to get ME rather PhD degree in aerospace engineering from a developed country of West. Do you that NASA does not recruit Pakistani students. You will have to select your higher studies country very carefully, we you may easily get job in your field of specialization. Yes, its mandatory for you to get work experience in a high tech Western space research organization with a mission to transfer the latest technology to your homeland. Its not a hard task for a person with a mission in life. Kindly read the complete biography of Dr Qadeer Ahmad Khan for detailed guidance about making a road map and strategy for you. Aerospace engineering is a much better option than simple aeronautical engineering. You will certainly enjoy a promising career in this high tech engineering field.

After graduating you will have two options either to get a technical job or go abroad for research and and higher education. For the second option you will have to get extraordinary good grades in your graduation degree for winning a scholarship. So if you want to join this line then forget every other thing except your studies till the completion of your graduation. This hard work of 4 to 5 years will pay you in long run. In short aerospace engineering is a filed for genius people who have keen interest in this field.

Aerospace Engineering/Astronautical Engineering Introduction
Aerospace engineering is one of most modern branches of engineering which deals with the of development of aircraft, missiles and spacecrafts. Aerospace engineers not only design, create and develop new kinds of aircraft, missiles, helicopters, and spacecrafts but they also designs their different parts as per the need of the hour. We can divide this branch of engineering into following sub branches
1-Astronautical Engineering or Rocket Science
2-Aeronautical Engineering

Both these branches overlaps each other in many fields. Man has already explored each and every corner of earth and now we have entered in the space era. In 21st century even wars will be fought in space. Star war is not a fiction in this century. A country who will rule the space in future will also rule the earth. You guys have golden opportunity to become the pioneer in aerospace engineering. We are about 200 years behind from West in science and technology, there are some short cuts through which we can bridge this gap in maximum 20 years. Here are some of these fields which can help us in making rapid progress.
Mining Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Hardware Engineering
Software Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Robotics and Nanotechnology
Petroleum Engineering
Basic Sciences & Engineering Disciplines
We need highly skilled professionals in these fields with missionary spirit.

Aerospace Engineering/Astronautical Engineering-Jobs, Career & Scope
Employment Areas
Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)
NASA and Space Research Institutes of Western Countries
National Airline of Any Country
Private Airlines
Pak Air Force
Private Flying Clubs & Societies
Army Aviation Wing
Research Organizations
Naval Aviation Wing
Passengers Aircraft Manufacturing Companies
Fighter Planes & Helicopters Manufacturing Companies
Missile Development Factories
P.A.C (Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra)
Satellite Manufacturing Firms
Research Journals
Maintenance, Overhauling and Mechanical Departments of Various Organizations

Job Types
Research Assistant
Maintenance Engineer
Aircraft Engineers
Spacecraft Engineer
Army, Air Force or Navy Officer

Nature of Work
Aerospace Engineers works a designers of aircraft, spacecraft and missiles of different kinds.
They maintain and overhaul aircraft, missile, satellite and spacecraft.
They develop and manufacture new kinds of helicopters, missiles, aircraft, spacecraft and satellites.
They deliver lectures in academia.
They collaborate with the engineers of allied fields.
They guide, help and lead their subordinates as a team leader.
They trouble shoot the unexpected sudden problems.
They train their subordinates and technicians.
They write articles on latest research in their field.

It will be a matter of pride for you to work in most advanced scientific field.
By serving the nation and humanity you will get 100% job satisfaction.
You will remain in touch with the most modern research of the world so all knowledge seekers students must join this field.

Required Skills
1-This field is very closely associated with IT (Software and Hardware), Metallurgy, Physics, Mathematics, Designs, Aeronautics, Robotics & Nanotechnology, so you must have keen interest in all these subjects.
2-Urge to excel in life is also mandatory for successful career in this field.
3-You must have ability to solve the problems immediately in pressure situations.
4-You can not succeed in this field without good creative, organizational and analytical skills.
5-Ability to take right decision at the right time is also required as you will not be given a second chance to rectify your mistake.
6-You must have interest in latest research.
Stay in touch with two best educational websites of the world for guidance about career and scope of all important branches of engineering. Visit and like our facebook pages too. We are always here to answer your career counseling questions about different academic fields and degrees.