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Career & Scope of Biostatistics, Degrees, Jobs, Benefits, Salary

Career Counseling About Scope of Biostatistics in Pakistan and Other Countries, Introduction, Job Options, Courses, Job Types, Job Areas, Significance, Pay
Biostatistics is a subject which deals with the use statistics in almost all branches of Biology like botany, medicine, public health, zoology, agriculture, molecular biology, ecology, evolution, modern genetics, crop science etc. Some time statistics is is used during and after of any biological experiment. Sometimes it is used during biological surveys of different kinds. In short we use statistics for collecting data, after collection of data analysis is done for the the interpretation of the result during scientific surveys and experiments. After doing BS or MSc Biostatistics you will be able to apply the statistical methods and techniques during the biological surveys and experiments to interpret their results.

BS & MSc Biostatistics Course Outline
BS Biostatistics and MSc Biostatistics are two important degree of this field. In Pakistan Punjab University is offering MSc degree in this area of study.

Career & Scope of Biostatistics, Degrees, Jobs, Benefits, Salary

Career & Scope of Biostatistics, Degrees, Jobs, Benefits, Salary

Each university has its own syllabus for MSc & BS Biostatistics programs. Generally Descriptive Statistics, Elements of Demography, Health Data Management, Probability Theory and Distributions, Basic Computer Programming, Statistical Genetics, Research Methodology, Biostatiscal Inference, Generalized Linear Models, Epidemiology, Survival Analysis, Design of Experiments, Computer Intensive Statistical Methods, Applied Multivariate Analysis, Clinical Trials, supporting courses, specialization subjects and optional papers are taught in MSc and BS Biostatistics programs. Practical exam and major project are also the part of BS and MSc Biostatistics programs.

Who Should Study Biostatistics?
Biostatistics is a specialized subject which is quite suitable for those students who have interest in scientific research. Here your role will be more of a manager than a scientist. This field is also best for those who want to join teaching line in future. You must be able to work as a member of a team. You also need to have interest both in biology and statistics. You should be able to handle the laboratory and clinical experiments.

Career & Job Options
You will be able to get jobs in biological labs, research centers, educational institutions, pharmaceutical companies, health-care centers, biological firms, agriculture and genetic research labs, hospitals, survey firms, journals of Epidemiology, Biometrics, Public Health, Medicine, Medical Research, Biometry and Biostatistics. You may also enter in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology. Local and international job markets still need large number of pharmacovigilance physicians/scientists, clinical data managers, Biostatisticians, Public health researchers and data analysts of biological experiments.

You may get 6 figure salary easily in all these fields on the basis of your BS or MS Biostatistics degrees. For getting director level post or for joining the academia you will have to go for MS/M.Phil and then PhD. Females can also enter in this field as they will not have to work in the field as a Biostatistician. Biostatisticians can easily get the work permit of developed countries and they can also apply for foreign immigration. They just need to have good command over English, GIS and their field. Experience is also an important factor for rapid career growth in the area of Biostatistics so first try to get internship or some practical field experience.