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Career & Scope of Gender Studies or Women Studies Definition, Jobs & Subjects

Gender Studies or Women Studies Jobs, Definition, Subjects, Scope, Career Required Skills & Benefits 

Gender Studies or Women Studies is a new subject in Pakistan. Majority of students are not aware of its importance and scope. In fact its an ideal field specially for women. In third world countries like us women are treated lie animals specially in villages. There is a need of large number of women’s right activists in such countries. Males can play better role in this respect.

Definition Gender Studies or Women Studies
In Gender Studies or Women Studies we study the role of females in society, problems faced by females at work places, their solutions, gender realities, gender norms, women rights & laws, gender relations, gender identities and gender equilibrium/balance in the society.

Career & Scope of Gender Studies or Women Studies Definition, Jobs & Subjects

Career & Scope of Gender Studies or Women Studies Definition, Jobs & Subjects

Jobs, Career & Scope of Gender Studies 
You may find jobs in lot of fields. Here we have given list of some most popular fields and jobs for you.
Women university/college administration
Market research related to female articles
Human resource management
NGO (Non-Profit organization)
Newspaper and Tv channels correspondent
Grant proposal writers
Editor of females pages of newspapers
Lobbyist for female rights NGO’s
Legislative assistant for females related laws
Advertising agencies
Health department
Federal and provincial labor department
Office of women ombudsman
Consumer affairs department
Public relations posts
Human rights department
Publishing companies
Women counseling
Event management
Social welfare department
Art director
In charge of day care center
Reporter, Data collector
Web developer & designer
Shelter homes coordinator
Day care centers
Women rights department
Community mobilizer
Fiction writer
Gender specialist
Career Counselor
Pharmaceutical companies
Women right’s activist
Ad agencies
Female and family healthcare workers
Court facilitator
At present due to low competition in this field even a master level degree is enough for finding a job of your choice.

Who Should Go For MA Gender Studies or MA Women Studies?
1-Those students who want to become agent of change in their society must study Gender Studies or Women Studies.
2-Those who want to get job in NGO sector.
3-Those who are more interested in job satisfaction than any other object in their life.
4-Creative minded persons having solutions of social problems in their minds
5-Those who want get job in international/foreign and UNO agencies.
6-Job satisfaction seekers
7-Human rights activists
9-Social Workers/Social Mobilizers

Subjects/Topics/Syllabus of MA Gender Studies/Women Studies
Generally following subjects/topics are taught in MA/MSc Gender Studies/Women Studies.
Introduction to Gender Studies/Women Studies
Feminist theories and Feminist Movements
Latest Research Methodology
Gender Discrimination & Solutions
Gender and Women Development – International strategies
Gender Law in Pakistan & Abroad
Women’s Healthcare Issues
Female Psychology
Gender and Development in Pakistan
Females in Islamic Perspective
Females in Politics (Local & International)
Females & Their Role in Business Management
Women’s Rights Movement in Indian Sub-Continent
Females and Media (Social/print and electronic)
Females and development in the third World/Developing Countries
Females at Work Place
Role of Females in Pakistani and International literature
Women’s Security Issues in Peace and War
Women Economic Empowerment
Females & Their Role in Education Field
Violence against Females & Remedies
Global Women’s Movements & Their Effects
Females and Their Role in Environment Protection
Communication and IT

Why Study Gender Studies or Women Studies?
For satisfaction of your inner self
For becoming an agent of change in society
For getting job in local and international NGO’s
For a secure future in public departments
For research and women empowerment
Stay in touch with us, our facebook page/group and sister website for guidance about different career options.