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Career & Scope of Industrial Engineering-Jobs, Introduction, Core Topics & Tips

Industrial Engineering-Jobs, Definition, Core Topics, Super Tip, Career & Scope in Pakistan & Abroad 

Introduction & Super Tips About Industrial Engineering
Industrial Revolution was the key point in the human history. After the industrial revolution the dynamics of power changed in the world. Human power and skills have lost their value in the era of industrialization. Industrial revolution was the result of East India Company’s victory in the Battle of Plassey. Wealth of Bengal and India was used to run the industries in Great Britain. Unfortunately majority of Asian countries are still living in the age of agriculture. Third world countries are still being used as markets of finished products of first world countries.

Career & Scope of Industrial Engineering-Jobs, Introduction, Core Topics & Tips

Career & Scope of Industrial Engineering-Jobs, Introduction, Core Topics & Tips

In the modern world industrialization is the first condition for the progress of a country. Duffers are running the planning divisions of these countries and now its the duty of new generation to take the responsibility on their own shoulders. Industrial engineering and manufacturing engineering are two most important engineering disciplines for rapid progress of any country. Even a country with fertile agricultural land can not make progress without having experts of agriculture industry as agriculture has also become mechanized and per acre production of developed countries is 10 greater then the per acre production of third world countries. I will suggest the Pakistani and Urdu speaking students to read the itinerary (سفرنامہ) of Munshi Mehboob Alam 1900. This is the one of best books i have ever read as this itinerary will show you that how much we are still behind from the Europe of 1900.

Still we have to cover a large distance to bridge the distance between us and West but after introduction of information technology and internet, nations with determination and mission can bridge the difference of centuries in decades. Now its up to you that how you utilize your skills and talent for the progress of your country. If you want to come out of virtual and long distance slavery then please take your studies as mission and study just most useful applied fields of science and engineering. Get specialization in the field of your interest from abroad. Come back to you country with a plan in mind. Contact with like minded students of your country for making a joint plan. We shall suggest you to get field experience of few years too from abroad. You may guys may find sponsors for your project from abroad. It all depends upon your inner emotions for your beloved country.

This engineering discipline has close connection with manufacturing and mechanical engineering as machines are used in industries to manufacture different items. Material, Software, Hardware, Electronic, Electrical, Automotive, Agricultural, Chemical. Electomechanical, Nano-science, Robotics, Metallurgy and Bio-Medical engineering disciplines are also closely associated with this field. You will have to remain in touch with latest advancement in the related fields of your area of specialization through out your life for rapid career growth.

Industrial Engineering – Core Topics
Operations Management & Research
Project Management
Supply Chain Management
Safety Training
Job Designing
Management, Cost, Value, System and Quality Engineering
Occupational Bio mechanics
Process, System & Human Factors Engineering
Production, Control & Planning
Manufacturing Systems, Design and Analysis
Computerized Manufacturing
Special Topics in System Design, Organization Design, Ergonomics & Operational Research
Inspection, Quality Control & Reliability
Environmental & Human Healthcare Factor
Use of Computer Technology & E-Business in Industry

Industrial Engineering – Jobs, Career & Scope
You may easily get job in any industry depending upon your area of interest and specialization. This filed needs in depth knowledge so go for at least Master level degree for becoming an real engineer of any field. Remember that just like simple MBBS degree holder a BE degree holder is also a general engineer. If you want to excel in life then go for specialization. We are not giving the list of employment areas for graduates of industrial engineering as you can get job in any industry. You must have confidence on your abilities and knowledge about the latest advancement in your field. We recommend you that in the start of your your career even accept the job with the salary lower than your expectation as at this stage experience matters more for you than salary.  Visit and its FB page for guidance about all engineering disciplines.