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Career & Scope of Livestock Courses & Degrees-Jobs, Core Topics, Benefits & Tips

Livestock Introduction, Courses, Degrees, Jobs, Core Subjects, Benefits, Golden Tips, Career & Scope
Word livestock is used for farm animals like cows, goat, horse, donkey, mule, donkey, deer, buffaloes, camels, sheep, horses etc. These animals are raised for domestic use or for business purpose (Specially in Farms). No human being can remain healthy and fit without using animal protein and fats. That’s why livestock are kept to fulfill the needs of human beings. We get following kinds of products from livestock.

Career & Scope of Livestock Courses & Degrees-Jobs, Core Topics, Benefits & Tips

Career & Scope of Livestock Courses & Degrees-Jobs, Core Topics, Benefits & Tips

Organic fertilizer
Organic fuel
White and Red Meat
Some kinds of cattle are used for land management and transportation, non human labor, ploughing and military functions. In short its a fact that animals are the oldest and best friends of human beings. They fulfill our many needs in return of just food and love. Its a field for pet and animal lovers. Domestication of animals was started with the domestication of man in the beginning of farming era, when man left the nomad life.

Core Subjects & Topics
Undergraduate of doctoral level courses are offered in this field. You should specialize in a specific area of this field. Here we have given the list of core topics taught in livestock courses.
Animal Breeding and Genetics
Small Ruminant Production
Rangeland Management
Principles of Milk Production and Procurement
Small Ruminant Production
Livestock Industry & Business Management
Animal Fiber Science
Equine and Camel Production
Lactation Biology
Behavior and Welfare of Farm Animals
Meat & Beef Production
Animal Husbandry
Sheep and Goat Production
Livestock Production Trends and Potential
Livestock Management and Housing Practices
Buffalo and Cattle Production
Dairy Production
Poultry and Fish Farming
Thesis & Project

There is need to promote livestock farming in Pakistan to reduce the unemployment ratio in the country. All agricultural countries export livestock products in large quantity but Pakistan in spite of being an agricultural country is running short of livestock that’s why recently Punjab government has imposed a ban on slaughtering of female goats, buffaloes and cows.

Benefits of Degree in Livestock (Career & Scope)
1-You may start your own livestock business.

2-You can get job in farms, milk processing factories, NGO working for environment protection, poultry farms, livestock/forest/agriculture department, academia, fish farms, meat processing units, fiber/leather industry, livestock industry and research centers.
Its a 100% professional

3-You can get government job and even migrate to any foreign country.

Pakistan needs large number of quality livestock experts to increase its livestock production. You can guide the farmers about scientific methods of livestock management and production. Margin of profit in this industry is more than any other mechanical industry. Holland, Australia, Canada and many other Western countries are earning unlimited foreign exchange due to their exports of livestock. There is a need of study and research on models of all these countries for the improvement in our country.

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