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Career & Scope of Marine Engineering-Introduction, Tips, Jobs & Benefits

Career & Scope of Marine Engineering in Pakistan & Abroad-Definition, Introduction, Super Tips, Jobs, Nature of Work, Benefits & Required Skills  
Marine engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines. One third of the world surface is consist of water. More than 70% of world resources are hidden in water. Special skills are required to discover these hidden treasures.
Career & Scope of Marine Engineering-Introduction, Tips, Jobs & Benefits

Career & Scope of Marine Engineering-Introduction, Tips, Jobs & Benefits

Marine Engineering-Definition & Nature of Work 
Marine engineers design and manufacture boats, passenger ships, war boats and even submarines. They even construct destroyer, aircraft Carriers, gunboats, hospital ships, amphibious assault boats/ships, frigates, oil tankers, submarine chasers, cruise ships, mine sweepers and transport vessels. They also maintain and repair all these kinds of water vessels in workshops. They deliver lectures and train the new cadets. They travel with ships and submarine to maintain and repair their engines. They work as researchers in labs and universities. They work jointly with petroleum engineers for oil exploration from sea at oil rigs.
Super Tips 
Do you believe that even after becoming atomic power, we not able not manufacture any of these ships with our indigenous resources. We need quality human resource in this field too. East India company and many other Western countries ruled over Asia and Africa due to their naval power. Naval power of a country plays a great role in its international trade and defence. Do you know that majority of Muslim countries have no submarines and strong navy.
All Muslim countries need marine engineers. I assure you that none of these countries will give attention towards this direction. You guys will have to take initiative to protect Muslim countries including Pakistan. Please come forward and get maximum higher education in this field. You do not need to return to your homeland without having expertise at least in one field of marine engineering. Get practical experience in your favorite sub field of marine engineering and come back to your homeland with a mission like Dr Qadeer Ahmad Khan. Marine engineering is some of those engineering discipline where we lack quality human resource. We have experts, who can just maintain or repair different kinds of ships. We need experts and manufacturers of all kinds of marine vessels.
We can not even do trade with the world through our own transport vessels. Our youngsters should concentrate on this area at least for next 50 year to bridge the gap between Western and Muslim countries. If you are just interested in your own career then go for any of the basic engineering field. As in marine engineering field Pakistan and Muslim countries need volunteers, who can devote their lives for a great mission. Believe me that you guys will enjoy better future career than the career conscious students. Its the game of intentions, those who prefer their nation on their career never fail in their practical life.
If you are not interested in research/higher education or want to enter in practical life immediately after your graduation the please skip this option as we need highly skilled persons in the field of marine engineering who may be able to bring a visible change in the field of naval technology.
Marine Engineering-Jobs, Career & Scope
Employment Areas
Merchant Navy
Special Services Wing
Naval Workshops
Engineering Colleges
Research & Development Wings of Navy and Passenger Shipping Comapnies
Oil Tankers & Oil Tankers Manufacturing Companies
Transport Shipping Companies
Naval Workshops
Cruise Ships and Cruise Ships Manufacturing Units
Ships Manufacturing Companies
Submarine, Warships and Their Manufacturing Companies
Naval Research Journals
Naval Training Institutes
Oil Rigs
Job Types
Research Assistant
Instructor & Lecturer
Submarine Engineer
Ship Engineer
Marine Engineering Scientist
Naval Engineering Writer
Navy Officer
SSG Officer
Required Skills
You need to have interest in Physics, Math & Mechanical Engineering.
You must have great problem solving, analytical and research skills.
You must be able to think out of the box for solving a sudden problem.
You must have analytical, communication and organizational skills.
Without passion and love for your field you can not excel in your career at all.
Why Study Marine Engineering?
You must study this subject as all Muslim countries need quality human resource in this field,
This field will secure your future as Marine engineers have to seldom face recession period in their career.
You can find job easily both in private and public sector.
This field not only will ensure your success in this life but hereafter too, but you will have to take your studies and career as an sacred mission for success in life hereafter.
You will play a vital role in the progress of your country by exploring oil at oil rigs in open sea.
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