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Career & Scope of MBA Engineering or MBA+MS Engineering Dual Degree

Career & Scope of MBA Engineering or MBA+ME Engineering Dual Degree Program
We are receiving many emails from engineering students about the scope of MBA after BE. Today we shall discuss the career and scope of MBA Engineering or MBA+MS Engineering dual degree program in this post. M.B.A is the abbreviation of Master of Business Administration. After BE/BSc engineering in any field, it is highly recommended for you to go for MS. MBA Engineering is a path for those who want to get managerial or administrative post in their related industry.

Career & Scope of MBA Engineering or MBA+ME Engineering Dual Degree

Career & Scope of MBA Engineering or MBA+ME/MS Engineering Dual Degree

Those who want to set up their own industry in future must also get MBA Engineering degree. An engineer with knowledge about business administration can run a factory of engg very easily than a simple M.B.A degree holder. Technology and business administration is a deadly combination. As i have mentioned earlier that all engineers should get specialization in their field through MS degree too. So you have a very good alternative of MBA Engineering and MS i.e MBA+MS Engineering dual degree program. Its an ideal program for all BE degree holders. Even its a better option than MBA Engineering. Master degree in your own field will also increase the chances of getting quality job in your own field. You may also be able to launch your own Engg business.

Its a fact that engineers and technologist sell the iron (machinery) at the rate of gold just due to adding technology in raw material. Engineers are the experts of technology and they just need to learn the business administration techniques to sell their finish products. Dual degree will not only make you an expert engineer but also enable you to run a factory and market your products. There is no alternative of this double degree program for engineers. Little hard work during this program will pay you in long run. Some colleges are offering this program online too but you should avoid such online engg institutes as it is not possible to teach engg education online. Majority of such institutes are fake and unrecognized.

Career & Scope of MBA Engineering or MBA+MS Engineering Dual Degree Program in Pakistan
Unfortunately in Pakistan no university offer MBA Engineering degree. Pakistani students will have to fly abroad for getting admission in such a useful and professional degree. Pakistani students with high dreams about their future must get admission in MS and try to get MBA degree through distance learning. They may also go for M.B.A Executive degree after getting job in their related field. Here is the list of recommended M.B.A degrees for engineers in Pakistan.

M.B.A Marketing


M.B.A Supply Chain Management

M.B.A Finance

M.B.A Banking & Finance

We have written detailed articles on all above mentioned degrees. You will surely like to read our following articles too.

Career & Scope of Top 10 Business Administration & Management Degrees

Career & Scope of Top Best Engineering Disciplines in Pakistan & Abroad,

Stay in touch and its facebook page for guidance about career and scope of different Business Administration and engineering programs.