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Career & Scope of Mechatronics or Electromechanical Engineering

Mechatronics or Electromechanical Engineering, Definition, Introduction, Jobs, Required Skills Career & Scope in Pakistan 

Introduction and Definition of Mechatronics
Mechatronics is a field which deal with all complex problems related to mechanics, electronics and computer science. Basically word Mechatronics has been drived from two words of mechanics and electronics. Earlier this field was a combination of Mechanical and Electronics engineering only. But now due to new advancement in technology this field has become more complex. In my personal opinion Mechatronics Engineering will have more scope in future due to its unique nature rather than any other discipline of engineering. Even right now there is a great demand of Mechatronics engineers all over the world. Its a multidisciplinary field of engineering, where students are trained in following areas.

Mechatronics or Electromechanical Engineering, Definition, Introduction, Jobs, Required Skills Career & Scope in Pakistan

Career & Scope of Mechatronics or Electromechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Optical Engineering
Telecommunication Engineering
Control Engineering
Computer Engineering (Hardware & Software)
Material Engg
System Engineering

Mechatronics or Electromechanical Engineering  Jobs, Career & Scope
This field is also known as electromechanical engineering. Have you noticed that science is travelling back from the age of specialization to the new era of abstraction or generalization. In future specialist of any single industry/field will have no secure future. computer science has already entered in almost all fields of studies. That why i a 100% sure that Mechatronics engineers have great future. Think about this option seriously. Its much better option than simple electronics and Mechanical engineering due to its wider scope.
You may get job in any of the following areas;
Robotics Industry
High Tech Industries
Engg Universities and Colleges
Automotive/Automobile Engineering Field (Digitally Controlled Combustion Engines OR Automated Guided Vehicles)
Computerized Machinery Manufacturing Industry
Industrial Goods Manufacturing Field
Research Journals
Consumer Products
Mechanical Industry
Vocational Training Institutes
Mechanical & Electrical Consulting Engineering Firms
Mechatronics Systems Developing Industry
Industry Related To Medical Mechatronics
Research Organizations
Telecommunication Firms
All Kinds of Electrical Products Manufacturing Companies
Computer-Aided Designing Field
Mobile Applications
Aerospace Application
Software Houses
Healthcare Field
Manufacturing Industry

A well trained Mechatronic can utilize his multiple skills in all above mentioned field very easily. Mechatronic graduates design and develop useful devices that combine mechanics, software and electronics. They are mechanics, electrical engineers and electricians all at the same time. They can fulfill diverse needs of the different industries. Finding a reasonable job will not be a problem for them after graduating and getting some practical experience in the industry. So first try to get internship in related industry during your last academic year. Career conscious students should go for MS and PhD for excelling from there competitors. At present you will not have to face any tough competition in the job market as majority of students have now knowledge about the rapid changes in the field of technology and they prefer to go for traditional engineering disciplines.

Who Should Study Mechatronics?
1-Its a field of genius students only with great problem solving skills.
2-Research lovers
3-Those who want move with rapidly changing world of technology.
4-Those who want to become pioneer in any field.
5-Those who have analytical and creative mind.