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Career & Scope of Media Studies-Jobs, Tips & Courses

Career & Scope of Media Studies in Pakistan & All Over The World – Jobs, Super Tips & Degrees
Media has become the fourth pillar of the state. That’s why Media Studies has become most popular field of studies all over the world. If you want to join media then try to get degree in media studies. Media is playing the role of game changer in modern world. Media Studies has become a first choice of creative minded humanities students. Due to advancement of technology media studies has become a complex field. Now you will have to get in depth knowledge about advertising strategies, journalism/mass communication and marketing for becoming an ideal media personal.

Career & Scope of Media Studies-Jobs, Tips & Courses

Career & Scope of Media Studies-Jobs, Tips & Courses

Print, electronic and online medias have become essential parts of media studies. Media studies experts are playing their role in the field of marketing and advertising too. This field has become the most commercial field of studies. Media studies experts are given very high salaries. They are welcomed by not only media industry but also by multinational companies. They make and advertise brands, They have even entered in the field of online advertisement. MBA Marketing, B.Sc/M.Sc Film,TV, Advertising & Media Studies and MSc/MA Journalism and Mass Communication are most recommended degrees in this field.

I was the class fellow of your admin in SEO class about 4 year before. He joined the line of web development but i preferred to join media studies and advertising line. By the grace of Almighty Allah both of us are successful in their fields. I would like to share with you that your admin stood first in Government College Lahore in Media Studies. I am still working with an multinational company but your admin has become an entrepreneur. I am little bit of jealous with his success as he is launching the first ever free online testing website in Pakistan.

I have already written an article for his online testing website. I suggest him to start a website to guide the students about different methods to earn money online, I will certainly help him in this noble cause. We paid 20000 for learning the art of web development and SEO, but i hope that he will provide the same service in half fee. I am claiming it just due to my personal knowledge about his kind nature. I assure you that, i will never write even a word for my friend, if he will delete/censor even my single word. I congratulate him for launching a wonderful website for students like

World has entered in the world of e commerce, so now you will have to learn the techniques of e commerce and online advertising too. I will suggest you to get all the google certifications just like me. At present i am running a one of the most successful online advertising firm in Pakistan. In fact  during the first year of my professional career i prepared several advertising plans for all kinds of products. Now i am earning money just due to hard work of my initial two years. So if you have a creative mindset then its a right field for you.

Media Studies has become a science in modern world. Its a branch of Journalism, Mass Communication, Marketing and Advertising. Experts of all these fields must study this subject very seriously. There is no alternative media studies in the world. You guys should not only get post graduate degree in media studies but also try to occupy the local seats in local bodies election. We are 100% sure that you will not disappoint us. Please try to visit our website and its FB page daily.We have also launched an online testing website for students of all countries of the world. Hopefully you will like our this initiative too.