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Career & Scope of Merchant Navy in Pakistan & Abroad

Career & Scope of Merchant Navy in Pakistan & All Over The World- Jobs & Super Tips
If you want to visit all over the world and have interest in sea voyage then join merchant navy. Merchant navy of any country plays a vital role in its development and progress. Majority of imports and exports all over the world are carried out through merchant navy. Pakistan have to import oil and many other items of its needs. Merchant navy also play an important role in increasing the exports of a country.

Career & Scope of Merchant Navy in Pakistan & Abroad

Career & Scope of Merchant Navy in Pakistan & Abroad

Merchant navy contains many kinds of merchant vessels like multi purpose ship, cargo ship, oil tanker and bulk carrier. Fleet size of a country shows the volume of its imports and exports. At present Pakistan has just merchant vessels Pakistan is going to start its deep sea port Gwadar very soon. After the completion of Pak China Economic Corridor volume of our sea trade will increase dramatically as this route will be connected with 6 central Asian Muslim countries and even with Russia too.

Have you noticed the change in the behavior of Russia towards Pakistan? Russia has a very old desire to reach warm waters. Seas around Russia remain frozen in majority of months of the year. Resultantly it has to face many difficulties in its imports and exports. Six Central Asian countries are land locked countries. They also need easy access to Arabian sea for their rapid progress. Pakistan is going to facilitate all these countries in this regard in near future through Pak China Economic Corridor and Gwadar port. Pakistan Merchant Navy will have to buy many new merchant vessels of all kinds to fulfill the requirements of all these countries including China.

Unlimited jobs will be available in this field in near future, so brothers its the right time to join Pakistan merchant navy to secure your future and career. You may get jobs in Pakistan National Shipping Corporation.
Foreign shipping agencies can also hire you. Middle East countries like U.AE, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar love to hire Pakistani officers. Merchant Navy officers can easily get foreign immigration, work permit and jobs in European shipping companies.

Kinds of Merchant Navy Officers
There are basically two different kinds of officers in this field i,e

1-Deck Branch Officer
Deck branch officers sail the ship safely.
They also control the loading and unloading of cargo.
They try to keep ship in working condition.
They monitor carefully the sea traffic, weather and expected dangers on their route.

2-Engineering Branch Officer
Engineer branch officers also travel with the ship for maintenance purpose.
They try to remove all faults in the engine and other parts of ship before during and after the voyage.
The keep the engine, machines and equipment in the running condition.
All engineers are accountable to chief engineer. They look after the following parts of ships
Air condition plants
Steam & Diesel Engine
Water pumps
Electric wiring & installations
Chilling Plant
Hydraulic Pumps
Cranes etc

They also work in workshops at sea port. Some of them join academia too after getting master degree in their relevant field.
In this field you will have to live away from your home in sea for months and even for years. Officers are usually allowed to take their families too with them in the ship. State of the art living faculties are provided to officers. Officers are also given handsome salaries with lot of fringe benefits.

Hows To Join Pakistan Merchant Navy?
In Pakistan Pakistan Marine Academy (PMA) offers world wide recognized merchant navy courses. This academy was established in 1962. About 200 deck and engineering cadets pass out every year from PMA. Karachi Port Trust also offer some course about merchant navy but remember that PMA is a branch of World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden. has published two detailed articles to guide the students about admission process in Pakistan Marine Academy (PMA). You must read these articles for information about latest admissions in PMA.

Pakistan Marine Academy PMA, Admission in GP 3 Course

Pakistan Marine Academy Admission in Deck & Engineering Cadet Courses

Stay in touch with the two fastest growing educational websites of Pakistan and with their facebook pages for guidance about career in different fields.