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Career & Scope of Public Policy-Jobs, Core Topics, Tips & Degrees

Public Policy-Overview, Job Opportunities, Core Subjects, Tips,  Degrees Career & Scope 
Public policy is best option for those who want to join politics, NGO’s or have interest in civil service. Degree public policy will help you in understanding the policy making process. MPA is another degree about public administration but its scope and jurisdiction is limited than Master of Public Policy (MPP). Unfortunately till now we have very limited number of professional policy makers in our government, organizations, departments and even in NGOs. Important decisions are taken on day to day base without any sound short and long term policies.

Career & Scope of Public Policy-Jobs, Core Topics, Tips & Degrees

Career & Scope of Public Policy-Jobs, Core Topics, Tips & Degrees

Policy making is a sensitive and complex process. Administrators, politicians and policy makers without having professional training in policy making can neither analyze problems nor they can suggest and implement best solutions for different kinds of problems. Degree in public policy will polish your lot of governance and administration related skills like leadership, communication, analytical reasoning, problem solving, decision making management, HRM, HRD and economic analysis skills. It will also enable you to run the policy matters of NGOs, INGOs, IDAs and corporate sector. You will be able to understand the current financial & administrative and policy related issues. It will help you think to think out of the box for finding the solutions of such complex problems.

Its an ideal subject for politicians, government employees, senior executives of corporate sector and NGOs. Such students are given special discount in fee by various universities. All developed countries have reached on their current status just due to their good policies. Now its the right time for developing and under developing countries to understand the importance of public policy making techniques. Pakistan also need quality human resource in this field. I can not give you guarantee of government job but i know that after clearing the written exam of CSS and PCS at the interview level, you guys will be given preference due to your related degree about civil service. After MPP you should go for MS/MPhil & even for Phd as it will increase employment opportunities for you.

Core Topics & Courses
Public Administration
Concept of Good Governance
Ethical Issues in Public Policy
Introduction to Public Policy
Dynamics of Public Policy
Research Techniques
Development Administration
Policy-Making Techniques
Economic Analysis of Public Policy
Legal frameworks for Public Policy
Governance and Management in a Multi-cultural Society
Environmental Issues and Public Policy
Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
Human Rights and Public Policy
Organization Analysis and Human Recourse Management
Political Economy of Public Policy
Public Policy Design & Analysis
E-Governance and Technology in Public Policy
Leadership & Management
Basics of Human Resource Development
Micro Theory & Public Finance
Policy Process & Institutions
Communication Skills

Jobs, Career & Scope
Public Policy Analyst
Public Servant
Lecturer of Public Administration or Public Policy
Policy Analyst
Administrator of Any Department or Organization
Executives of Corporate Sector
NGO Activist
Public Affairs Specialist
Policy Maker & Analyst
Anchor Person
Media Person

HEC and many international organizations offer scholarships for higher degree holders in this field for MS/MPhil and PhD. You will also be able to get foreign immigration and work permit, but we will not recommend this option for you as our counter need quality men power in this field. You can go abroad on scholarship or for getting higher education and experience but your ultimate aim should be to serve your beloved homeland. If you are satisfied with the standard of this article then visit and its social pages daily for guidance and career counseling about different management degrees and courses,