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Career & Scope of Top Ten Master of Arts (MA) Programs

Top 10 MA Programs in Pakistan
Many students ask us that which are the best Master of Arts MA programs in Pakistan. It is hard for us to guide them all individually. That’s why we are writing this post to guide all such students about the scope of top 10 master of arts programs in Pakistan. Master of Arts students have to struggle hard to find a job as compared to Master degree holders of any professional subject. So there are two basic tips which you should understand. First you should get master degree in a subject of your interest. Second try to chose some professional degree. This top ten list is just our recommendations and you have right to differ with our views.  For Majority of these M.A programs we have written separate detailed articles too. Links of such articles have also been given below.

1-MA English
Unfortunately after 67 years of independence still we are mentally slave of our ex masters, their civilization and language. Still we could not give the due status to our national language. English is used still uses in our offices, courts and competitive exams. So if you want to excel in your career you should get MA English degree. It makes your first impression good in the eyes of employer.

2-MA Economics
Economics is a professional degree and it opens many doors of opportunities for you. If you have interest in  this field than it should be your first choice. Our country still needs lot of economists. You may get job in any field after getting MA Economics degree.

3-MA International Relations
International Relations is a great subject as it helps you a lot in competitive exams like CSS, PMS and PCS. It is much better than simple MA History or Political Science.

4-MA Psychology
MA Psychology is one the best Master programs for females. You can practice as professional psychiatrist too. Jobs are available in hospitals, colleges, universities and career counseling firms.

5-MA Education/Special Education/B.Ed
In Pakistan Education is considered the best profession for females. Thousands of jobs are offered every year in government and private sector. Private tuition is also a big source of earning for you. Now a days there is also great scope of M.A Special

Career & Scope of Top Ten MA Programs

Career & Scope of Top Ten Master of Arts (MA) Programs

6-MA Journalism & Mass Communication
We are living in the era of communication. Boom in electronic media has created many jobs in this field. Its too a professional and one of the most demanding degree in media houses. If you want to earn money and like power and fame then M.A Journalism is a right choice for you.

7-MA History/Pak Studies/Pol Science
These three subjects overlap each others. Pak Studies is taught from class one to Bachelor level in Pakistan. So there is a great scope of these degree holders in education field. These subjects also improves over vision and helps us a lot in competitive exams. M.A European History is considered one of the scoring subject in CSS but majority of students prefer Indo Pak History .

8-MA Islamic Studies/Philosophy
Just like Pak Studies, Islamic Studies is also taught from class one to Bachelors in Pakistan so, you may get jobs not only in schools and colleges but also in universities. Islam is our beloved religion. One should do this M.A at least as a second Master degree. You are bound to learn Islam yourself. So think about it. Students who have interest logic behind any thing should also think about MA Philosophy. Although in Pakistan Philosophy is dying as we do not think about any thing even not about our religion but Philosophy is mother of all subjects. It takes us towards the reality of everything. I love this subject and in-spite of its low scope in Pakistan have included it in this list.

Ok, I Know that Computer Science and Information Technology  are not arts subjects but if even you do not have studied Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Statistics, Economics or Engineering at bachelor level still you can go for these degrees after successful completion of deficiency or zero semester. I strongly recommend to all my brothers and sisters to think about this option seriously.

10-MA Sociology/Social Work
Again these two subjects overlap a lot. Those students who have interest in NGO jobs should go for MA Sociology or Social Work. I am surprised to see many advertisements of PPSC and FPSC which are now also preferring MA degree holders in these subjects. Why? sorry i could not understand, may the government sector has also understand the importance of these subjects.

In majority of MA programs you can appear in exams as private candidates. Distance learning universities like VU, AIOU, BZU and FCUF are also offering these programs. After MA it is better to go for MPhil rather than for another MA in any other subjects. Yes there are some exemptions too.

Here are some other MA programs for your consideration.

Gender Studies,
Library & Information Science
Local Languages Urdu/Punjabi/Sindhi etc
International Languages Persian /Arabic/French/Hindi
Development Studies
Rural Development