Clinical Psychology-Introduction, Tips, Career, Scope, Jobs, Topics & Courses

Clinical Psychology – Definition, Super Tips, Career, Scope, Jobs, Subjects & Degrees
Clinical Psychology is the most important branch of Psychology as its is related to applied aspects of this field. Clinical Psychologists try to assess and treat mental diseases and behavioral disorders. They are allowed to run practice as a clinical psychologists. We may call them Psychiatrists or Psychological doctors. Some of them specialize in child guidance and career counseling. Its an ideal field for females. I have personally experienced that homeopathic and bach flower remedies give great and unexpected results in mental symptoms. So its my personal advice for all students of clinical psychology to study both these fields.

Clinical Psychology-Introduction, Tips, Career, Scope, Jobs, Topics & Courses

Clinical Psychology-Introduction, Tips, Career, Scope, Jobs, Topics & Courses

Try these remedies in your practice and after getting positive results try to study both these fields of alternative medicines seriously rather try to get diploma in Homeopathic Medical System (DHMS). Till now no recognized certificate or diploma is available in the field of bach flower remedies. But this new way of treatment will give you unbelievable results, so study this method for the treatment of mental illness privately. The day is near when world will recognize this amazing method for the treatment of Psychological diseases. In my personal 20 years practice of clinical psychology, i have never seen even a single patient who had been recovered through allopathic medicines. If you know about a single such patient then kindly let me know about this so-called miracle.

Allopathic has 100% failed in the field of clinical psychology. Even electro-homeopathic gives better results in this field. I have got BSc degree in homeopathic medicine and doing practice as a clinical psychologist because only bach flower and homeopathic remedies do wonders in this field. DHMS and BHMS are short cut for those who want to become clinical psychologist. O.K now we shall talk about prevailing concepts of clinical psychology.

Core Topics or Subjects 
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Adulthood Psychopathology
Developmental Psychopathology
NLP in Psychotherapy
Therapeutic Approaches with Children
Data Collection Methods
Child Psychodiagnostic Assessment
Research Designs and Related Statistical Analysis
Clinical Case Reports
Adulthood Psychopathology
School Psychology
Therapeutic Approaches with Adults
Health Psychology
Therapeutic Techniques in NLP and Hypnosis
Adult Psychodiagnostic Assessment

Recommended Programs/Courses in Pakistan
MS/MPhil in Clinical Psychology
MPhil/MS in Child Guidance and Educational Counselling
PGD in Child and Adult Psychotherapy
Certificate & Diploma Courses for Doctors on “NLP and Hypnosis in Psychotherapy”

Career & Scope
Employment Areas
Public Hospitals
Private Hospitals and Clinics
Mental Hospitals
Career Counseling Firms
Newspapers and Magazines
Electronic Media
Research Organizations
Armed Forces
Civil Service Training Institutes
Public Service Commissions
Investigation Department of Police & Other Law Enforcement Agencies
Local & International Teams of all Sports

Job Types
Psychological/Intelligence/IQ Test Developers For Recruitment Purpose
Criminal Psychologist
Career Counselor
Career Counselors
Member of Recruitment Teams
Subject Specialist
Sports Psychologist
Subject Specialist
Private Practitioner
Higher degree in clinical psychology is the best alternative of MBBS and BDS.
If you want to become a successful clinical psychologist then kindly study the mental symptoms of homeopathic and bach flower remedies too. Read our article “Career & Scope of Psychology in Pakistan & Abroad” for further guidance on the same issue. Stay in touch with and its FB page.