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Commerce/Ecommerce Definition, Career, Scope, Jobs, Courses

Commerce or Ecommerce Introduction, Jobs, Degrees Career & Scope in Pakistan & Abroad
Definition of Commerce
Commerce is all about buying and selling of goods and services at a large scale. Its a vast field of trading. In a typical commerce course subjects of accounting, economics, business communication, management, business and industrial laws, banking, finance, tax laws, e-commerce, principles of marketing, statistics and insurance are taught. A person having a undergraduate degree in the field of commerce can start trading and any business. He can also get job in both these areas. has published lot of article about career and scope of various commerce courses and degrees.Here is the brief introduction of various

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Commerce/Ecommerce Definition, Career, Scope, Jobs, Courses

Ecommerce Definition
Now world has entered in the field of ecommerce or electric commerce. Ecommerce is taking the place of traditional commerce field very quickly. By the term ecommerce we mean buying and selling of goods and services through internet with the help of credit and debit cards. Online buying and selling is becoming popular due to its 24-hour availability and global access. Global growth rate of ecommerce in tremendous. Through ecommerce you can earn money online while staying at home and even without a huge investment. Its a field for innovative and creative minded individuals who have ability to think out of the box. Soon will publish guiding articles about best strategies in the field of ecommerce. So stay in touch with us.

If you want to enter in the field of commerce then I.Com should be your first choice after matriculation, Its a 2 years program which will clear your basic concepts.

Diploma in commerce (D.Com) is an alternative of intermediate in commerce (ICom). If you want to get entry level job immediately after intermediate then go for the option of DCom.

You can complete B.Com associate degree in just 2 years but we will recommend you to go for 4 years BCom Honors degree as it has more scope and demand in local and international job markets. After getting B.Com Hons degree you may complete your MCom degree in just one year. BCom is a sufficient degree for entry level jobs in the field of commerce.

B.Com IT
After global IT revolution now you can not succeed in nay field of life without having sufficient knowledge about IT. Computerized accounting software will make your job very easy, so will advise you to prefer B.Com IT on simple BCom. Otherwise get practical training of popular accounting applications like peachtree, quick books, front accounting, Xero etc. This degree will also help you in entering the field of ecommerce. Students must enter in the field of ecommerce even during their study period.

BS Commerce
BS Commerce is the best alternative of 4 Years BCom degree. Its relatively a new degree in Pakistan. has published a detailed article on career and scope of BS.

Perfectionists try to become the master of their field. If you are perfectionist and have high dreams about your career then go for M.Com after BCom. M.Com degree will also help you in getting a teaching job.

If you want to join commerce college or university as a lecturer then go for M.Phil degree. M.Phil students must complete their doctorate-ship for having a distinction in their field.

There are very rare PhD commerce degree holders in Pakistan. We will recommend you to write your thesis on any field of ecommerce.

You will also like to our following career counseling articles too on relevant fields.
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Jobs, Career & Scope
Employment Areas
Trading Firms
Ecommerce Websites
All the Businesses
Consulting Agencies
Survey Companies
Commerce Departments
Chamber of Commerce
All Industries
Investment Firms
Marketing and Advertising Firms
Forex Trading
Stock Market
Insurance Firms
Financial Organizations
Government Sector
Leasing Firms
Educational Institutes
Shopping Malls
HRM Departments
Import Export Companies
Auditing Firms
Self Employed
Newspapers and TV Channels
Money Exchange Companies

Job Areas
Book Keeper
Ecommerce Expert
Stock and Forex Money Exchange
Tax Consultant
Finance Officer
HR Expert
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