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Court Marriage in Pakistan – Free Legal Advice

Legal Position of Court Marriage in Pakistan-Reality and Myths- Free Legal Advice For Youngsters
Being a senior lawyer of High Court i want to make it clear on all of you that there is no concept of court marriage in Pakistani legal system. Some lawyers are cheating innocent youngsters in the name of court marriage in spite knowing the fact that there is provision prevails in our law for court marriage. These lawyers and their agents have hired the services of bogus marriage registrar (Nikah Khawan) to make you fool. I have seen thousands of victims of such agents.

Court Marriage

Court Marriage in Pakistan – Free Legal Advice

Majority of these youngsters are now behind the bar due to hadood cases against them. Bail in hadood law cases is near to impossible. Females (Wives) are sent to Darul Aman, while males (Husbands) have to live in jail for long time. Criminal cases related to abduction are registered against parents and close relatives of so called husband. So my dear brother kindly try to understand that court marriage is not an option for you in Pakistan as it is not possible in Pakistan at all.

A registered marriage registrar ( Nikah Khawan) takes maximum 1000 rupees fee for registration of a normal marriage,whereas so called lawyer will take more than  2000o rupees from you in the  name of court marriage.  Some agents try to blackmail youngsters too.Majority of these agents even do not register the marriages of such youngster legally.  At the time of writing i saw many websites of lawyers claiming to arrange court marriage in Pakistan. Some of them claim that they can arrange online marriage and online court marriage too in Pakistan. These are cheaters and making you fool just for the sake of some money. You just need nikah khawan for shari nikkah in Pakistan. Same procedure is used in so called court marriage in Pakistan.

A  Case Study About Court Marriage in Pakistan
A boy came with her lover in my office with two friends as a witness. He was ready to pay 3000 thousands rupees for court marriage. Boy was planning to go to Karachi for 1 months as the female was carrying a bag a gold ornaments with her. I never take such cases, but i could not refuse both of them as have listened the gossip of boy with his friends about his “future plans” and arranged a fake nikkah and advised the boy that now let the female go to her parent’s home, as we shall file a case of conjugation rights against his in laws and this way we can easily prove that female is his lawful wife.

Fortunately he understood the legal point. I offered to drop the girl near her home. Fortunately again my suggestion was accepted by “clients”. I met with her father and informed him about the whole story and warned him that in case of any torture against girl, he will have to  face serious legal consequences. Will you believe that next month i saw the same boy with a new girl friend in the chamber of my colleague lawyer.

Sister please beware of such boy friends, Your parents can never think anything wrong for you. You will have to pay the price of your wrong act throughout your life. My dear brother if you are ready to allow your sister to go for court marriage then you have right to  take this action, but in this case too you will have to pay the price of your action against the honor of family. I request to bar councils to cancel the practicing license of lawyers who are offering the so called services of court marriages in Pakistan. You may get free legal advice from our team of senior lawyers. Stay connected with and its facebook page for guidance about legal issues.