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Current Affairs – Burma Muslim Massacre & Its Implications

International Current Affairs – Myanmar Muslim Genocide & Its Implications on World Peace 
Today in our current affairs category we shall discuss a burning issue which can destroy the world peace. Buddhism was considered one of the most peaceful religion of the world but thanks to Buddhist of Burma (Myanmar) who have proved that it was misconception. Buddhist in Burma are involved in genocide of Muslims. No body in the world is condemning this massive genocide. UNO and even OIC are not raising voice against Rohingya Muslim massacre. Both these organizations are responsible for Burma Muslim massacre due to their criminal silence.

Current Affairs - Burma Muslim Massacre & Its Implications


Pakistan is the only Muslim atomic power in the world still its government is not taking this issue seriously. Only Turkish government has announced to help Muslims of Myanmar. Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia are not ready to accept the refugees of Rohingya Muslims and they are dying in the open sea. Have you seen the photographs of Rohingya Muslim massacre on social media. It is almost impossible for me at least to see these photographs for more than one second. Bangladesh is the only Muslim neighboring country of Burma who could take some action against this Burma Muslim genocide but alas Haseena Wajid is just a so called Muslim who has sold even her soul to India.

Current Affairs - Myanmar Muslim Massacre & Its Implications


Current Affairs – Burma Muslim Massacre & Its Implications

Arab league is just interested in the matters of Arabs. OIC is a dead horse and its dead body should be buried now if it can not even raise strong voice against genocide of Muslims. If some one still think that extremism can be controlled in Muslim countries in spite of such pin drop silent on Burma Muslim genocide then he lives in fool’s paradise. Opposition leader of Burma Aung San Suu Kyi has won the Nobel peace prize but she is also silent on Myanmar Muslim genocide. Even our local and international human right associations are not doing anything.

Current Affairs - Myanmar Muslim Massacre & Its Implications



USA the so called super power of the world can also do nothing against the government of Burma. Why PTI, PPP, Ji, JUI, MQM, PML and other other political parties are not putting their pressure on government of Pakistan? We have just the arm of pen through which we condemn all these people, organizations and countries. Here i would like to warn you people too that silence at this stage will ruin your life hereafter. Raise a strong voice against Burma Muslim massacre and share this post with your friends, Its the test of your faith and love for Myanmar Muslims.


World should remember that bloodshed in Burma will destroy the global peace as extremist elements will use this issue in their propaganda against West. UNO should impose strict sanctions against Burma. Muslim countries should call back their ambassadors from Myanmar. OIC should warn Myanmar government officially. Our media and websites should also raise this issue as ordinary Muslims are taking up this issue on social media but national print and electronic media is still silent. In the last i would lie to make an humble appeal to all peace lover people of the world for raising voice against Burma Muslim genocide.. Visit and its facebook page daily for reading articles on current affairs and international politics.

Current Affairs - Myanmar Muslim Massacre & Its Implications