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Current Affairs – Hillary Clinton’s Book Hard Choices

Current Affairs – Hillary Clinton’s Book Hard Choices A Review
Ex secretary of state (Foreign Affairs) Hillary Clinton wrote a book Hard Choices on her experience during the office. Hillary is going to participate in next American Presidential elections which are going to be held in 2016. Critics are takingĀ Hillary Clinton’s book Hard Choices as the first step towards her presidential campaign. During her four years tenure as secretary of state she visited 112 countries, which is too a record.

Current Affairs - Hillary Clinton's book Hard Choices - A Review

Current Affairs – Hillary Clinton’s Book Hard Choices

In her book Hillary Clinton said the America did not inform Pakistan about the operation against Osama bi Ladin, because there are some rouge elements in ISI which could inform the Osama about the expected operation. We think that it was wrong perception in American Administration about ISI, which is the best intelligence agency in the world and its sacrifices for war against terror are unforgettable. It was ISI which arrested the largest number of terrorist during this war against terrorism.

Current Affairs - Hillary Clinton's book Hard Choices - A Review

She wrote that Russian President Putin is committed to reinstate former USSR. According to her President Putin behaves like a dictator and always tries to get maximum power, influence, authority and land. He was the most difficult man, she ever met with. On this point we agree with her. We have written a detailed article (Ukraine Crisis & Third World War). She wrote about Chinese president Hu Jintao “He always keep distance with others but he talks in decent but pre-planned way”. “Ahmadi Nizad was a quarrelsome man” wrote Hillary Clinton.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu considers that Iranian atomic program is a bigger threat for long term Israeli security than Palestine. Ex President of France Nicolas Sarkozy always indulges in gossip and thinks that all the world leaders are unstable or mad except him. Hillary Clinton paid great tribute to German chancellor Angela Miracle. According to her Angela Miracle is the most powerful leader in Europe.

Hard Choices has become best seller book of the year in a short period of time. In fact Hillary Clinton’s book Hard Choices is a part of image building campaign of Hillary Clinton as a stateswoman but there are lot of controversial statements and remarks in it. But due to these controversial remarks the book is getting popularity among American people. But there is a big question mark about the mental condition of Hillary Clinton as lot of rumors are wandering about her mental disorder. Lets see what the American people decide about her in the next election. You may also read the story in Urdu in the newspaper ad cutting below this post. Stay in touch with your own portal and its facebook page for latest analysis about current affairs.

Current Affairs - Hillary Clinton's Book Hard Choices A Review

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