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Cyber Crimes & Their Punishment in Pakistan

Cyber Crime Law in Pakistan-Warning For Facebook Users Too
National assembly has passed the new cyber crime bill 2016. You must have knowledge about cyber crimes and their punishments in Pakistan. Now even facebook users will have to face severe consequences for posting sharing and liking criminal and nude posts. On this page we have shared the most important cyber crimes and their punishments in Pakistan.

Cyber Crime


Cyber Crimes & Their Punishment in Pakistan

1-Unauthorized access to the mobile phone or laptop of any other person-3 Months imprisonment or 50 thousands fine or both punishments.

2-Copying the data of anyone without permission- 6 months imprisonment of Rs 100000 fine or both punishments.

3-For damaging the data of mobile phone or laptop of a person- 2 years imprisonment or Rs 500000 fine or both.

4-Access to sensitive data without permission- 3 years imprisonment or 1 million fine or both.

5-Copying the sensitive data like data related to security of Pakistan- 5 million fine or 5 years imprisonment or both.

6-Damaging the sensitive data- 7 years imprisonment or 10 million fine or both.

7-Liking or sharing speeches related to crimes, religious or ethnic haterage-5 years imprisonment, 10 million rupees fine or both punishments.

8-Cyber terrorism- 14 years imprisonment or 5 million fine or both.

9-Electronic forgery- 3 years or 250000 fine or both.

10-Electronic fraud- 2 years or 10 million or both.

11-Using, buying or creating a device for a crime- 6 months imprisonment or 50000 fine or both.

12-Using the identity of anyone without permission- 3 years or five million or both.

13-Issuance of SIM card without permission- 3 years or 500000.

14-Crimes against the fame of anybody- 3 years or 1 million fine or both.

15-Uploading or sharing nude picture or video of any person- 7 years imprisonment or 5 million rupees fine or both punishments.

16-Creating or sharing code containing virus- 2 years or 1 million fine.

17-Online harassment or use of abusive language- 1 year imprisonment or 1 million fine.

18-Spamming- 50000 fine on first attempt and 1 million fine or 3 months imprisonment.

19-Tempering of communication- 3 years imprisonment or 1 million fine

20-Spoofing- 3 years or 500000 fine or both.
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