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Cyber war VS india

burning kashmir

Pakistan Hackers Declared Cyber War Against India

Pakistan hackers group hacked the official website of Swami Vivekananda Subharthi University and posted the slogans against India and in favor of independence of Kashmir..Pakistani hackers had also defaced the main page of the provincial information department’s official website. Pakistan hackers did this in response of expulsion of Kashmir students for celebrating the victory of Pakistan cricket team.

Earlier Indian government had suspended 68 Kashmir students from Swami Vivekananda Subharthi University under the sedition charges as these students were cheering to see the good performance of Pakistan cricketer Shahid Afridi. This action of Indian government was against the spirit of sports man ship. Hackers took a revenge from Indian university and government. Hackers posted many anti Indian slogans on both websites to show their anger. Hackers left the following messages on the website “We are sleeping but not dead”,  “Jammu and Kashmir is part of Pakistan. We will soon liberate it from India.”.

Police is investigating the matter. Administration could not remove the anti Indian slogans from these sites for several hours. However now the administration has pulled down the both sites. Hackers has declared a cyber war against India due to its anti Kashmir and anti Muslim policies. Indian government should leave its aggressive policies toward Kashmir and Muslim to avoid such attacks.

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