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DHMS Eligibility, Subjects, Career & Scope

Career Counseling About D.H.M.S
Diploma in Homoeopathic Medical System (D.H.M.S) is a four years diploma after matriculation. Few years before Matriculation with arts students could also get admission in this program but now only Matric with science students are eligible to get admission in DHMS. National Council for Homoeopathy conducts the exams of DHMS. Now government has declared that first and second years of DHMS are equivalent to F.Sc while third and fourth years are equivalent to Bachelor of Science (B.Sc). You can view the details on this page about equivalency of DHMS. 159 Homoeo Medical colleges have been established in different cities of Pakistan. Some of them also offering BHMS degree. There is no any age limit for admission in DHMS at present. Fees of Homoeo Medical colleges is very reasonable. Annual dues of some colleges is less than 12000 rupees.Medium of instruction is Urdu but you may also attempt the exams in English. So D.H.M.S is one of the easiest way of adding the prefix of dr with your name. After DHMS you can get BHMS degree in just two years.

DHMS Eligibility, Subjects, Career & Scope

DHMS Eligibility, Subjects, Career & Scope


Scope of DHMS
Diploma of Homoeopathy Medical System is becoming very popular among students in Pakistan after its alleviation. You can start private practice after completion of diploma. You can also get job of homoeo medical officer in government hospitals and dispensaries. You may also apply for lectureship in Homoeopathic colleges. You can write columns in newspapers and magazines. Homoeo medical store is also a profitable business. If you can afford then you may also start your own college and pharmacy. As there is no separate homeopathic pharmacy degree. Many government departments also include homoeo doctors on their panel. DPT, DND, MSc Applied Psychology DCIS, BSc Nursing and Pharm D degree holders who want to prescribe medicines to their patients and want to start practice as a general physician should get this diploma. Females who want to earn money from home should also go fro D.H.M.S. Its my personal advice to you to get admission in B category diploma too. After doing this diploma you will be allowed to start a allopathic medical medical store too.


Career in DHMS
Employment Areas
Job is Homeo pharmacies.
Job is Homeo medical stores.
Homoeo & herbal Medical Colleges
Homeopathic Medical Stores
Homeopathic Pharmacies
Publishing Houses
News papers & Digests
Government Hospitals
Private Hospitals
Private Practice
Personal business
Marketing Companies
Medical Representative
After getting BSc degree employment opportunities for you will increase a lot and you can get job in many other areas too like schools, laboratories, government departments etc.


DHMS Eligibility, Subjects, Career & Scope

Subjects in DHMS
First Year
1-Homoeopathic Philosophy
2. Pharmacy Theory
3. Pharmacy Practical
4. Materia Medica
5. Anatomy Theory
6. Anatomy Practical & Viva

2nd Year
1. Homoeopathic Philosophy (Part 2)
2. Hygiene and Public Health
3. Materia Medica
4. Materia Medica Viva Voce
5. Physiology Theory
6. Physiology Practical

3rd Year
1. Homoeopathic Philosophy (Part 3)
2. Gynaecology and Obstetrics
3. Materia Medica
4. Materia Medica Viva Voce
5. Pathology & Microbiology,
6. Pathology Practical & Viva
7. Psychology

4th Year
1. Comparative Materia Medica
2. Materia Medica Viva Voce
3. Case Taking & Repertorisation (Theory & Viva)
4. Forensic Medicine
5. Minor surgery
6. Homoeopathic Philosophy (Part 4)


Feel free to consult our team of career counselor for guidance. Stay in touch with us and our facebook page.


Homoeopathic Medical Colleges Admission in BHMS & DHMS 




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