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Punjab Government has successfully launched the elearn program for students of class 6th to 10th. Government is going to provide all books of these classes online. Students will be able to utilize these digital books without paying any kind of fee. Punjab Information Technology Board government of Punjab is supervising the elearn Punjab program. More than 4000 animations, simulations, videos, audio lectures and assessments have been uploaded on the official website of elearn Punjab program.

At present books of Science, Mathematics Biology, Physics and Chemistry are available online. Soon the all other digital books will be uploaded. Now students can study during the summer vacations without the help of teachers. It is a revolutionary program which will promote e-learning in Pakistan. Private students can also utilize this free learning resources. Visit I have visited the website and impressed by it. In future all the books of syllabus will be pre-loaded into laptops and tabs.


All the digital books will also be available in forms CDs and DVDs. Online assessment tools will also be provided for teachers and students. Such program should also be launched for higher classes. Other provinces should also follow this elearn project. There are some sites on internet, which provide e-learning and self assessment tools but student have to pay monthly fee for utilizing them. But this e-learn program is 100% free. This project is a great initiative by Punjab government. We congratulate Chief Minister Punjab Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif for this inspiring initiative.

We have given the link of elearn program below this post do visit it once to experience the digital learning. There was an allegation on our youth that they don’t use internet for positive and learning activities but curriculum related learning material was also not available but now we hope that you people will use these free resources to improve your different academic skills.

E-learning has become the need of the hour and after the launch of 3G and 4G services in Pakistan it would be more easier for students to use these digital learning material. But government should also provide equip the computer labs of government  schools with latest computers. Students should be allowed to use these labs after the school timing too under the supervision of teachers. DVDs and CDs should also be provided soon so that those student who don’t have facility of internet at their home should be able to use these learning resources.  Stay in touch with your own website for latest alerts about technology.


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