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Effective Time Management Tips For Success in Life (Urdu & English)

Learn The Art of Time Management-Self Help Tips in Urdu & English Languages
It is crucial to utilize the time in the best way. Here you can have a look at these effective time management tips which are written in Urdu and English styles. If you will learn time management rules, then success will come on your doorstep. So try to become effective time management person as soon as possible.

Less Time Taking Tasks Should be Finished Immediately- One Minute Rule
This is the first rule of effective time management, those tasks which are less time consuming and which can be completed in less than one minute, then you should try to finish them as soon as possible. This is the one minute rule which you should apply in your lives.

Do Not Use Phone While You Are Working- Atomic Habit
This is one of the atomic habits which you have to follow. Avoid using your phone while you are working. This habit will distract you a lot. Keep your phone aside and do your work and complete your task by giving your 100% focus.

Do Take Some Time Out For Deep Thinking And Further Managing Your Time Effectively
It is said by the author of Deep Work that one should be taking some time out for deep thinking process and in this way, the individual will be able to further think extensively regarding managing his time. Take a break and further re plan as how you will manage your time and how you will complete your assignments in the designated time and schedule.

Set Your Priorities
It is said in Off The Clock book that one should be setting his priorities. Setting your priorities, this will tell you which task has to be completed first and which one can be completed in the next day. Set a time line and classify and divide the tasks which will automatically tell you as which assignments are of crucial importance to be completed on time and which can be finished in the next two to three days.

Make a List of Those Tasks Which You Can Complete in 15 Minutes
In book Work Simply, there is the topic, 15 minute list. By making this list, the person will have an idea that which tasks can be completed in just the time frame of 15 minutes. You should regularly make such a list so that you can complete and finish your short duration tasks in less time.

Set Three Targets for Every Single Day
A Year of Productivity book, there is a Rule of Three mentioned in it. So according to this rule, on a daily basis and every single day, you should set three targets and goals for yourself. Do not exceed this number and remain and keep yourself limited to three goal priorities only.

Keep connected with us over here always do the effective time management like we have above mentioned for you. Let us know how you manage your time, how your handle and tackle your priorities so that the rest of the fellow readers can have great ideas as well.

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Effective Time Management Tips For Success in Life (Urdu & English)


Effective Time Management Tips For Success in Life (Urdu & English)