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Face book vs Turkey

FACE BOOK IS GOING TO BE BANNED IN TURKEY Turkish government is going to ban popular social media site face book and video sharing site you tube. According to media news Turkish Prime minister said that these site are harmful for the society as these websites are affecting the character of youth in the country. Turkish parliament has passed a law through which government has got authority to block any site in the country. This new law allows the telecom monitoring authority of the country to ban any site without the permission of court. Government also made it mandatory for internet service provider companies to store the information of internet users for two years. These companies will be bound to provide this record to government on demand. Turkish Prime Minister admitted that these websites are dangerous for his government. In fact some one had uploaded a telephonic tape about the corruption of PM on one these sites. In these tapes PM was advising his son to hide the black money in some safe place. PM claimed that tape are fake and opposition uploaded these tapes to stabilize his government. Prime minister of Turkey has criticized the internet many time before too. Many other countries have also banned these sites. Face book and You tube should revise their policies. An American court has already ordered you tube to remove anti Islam movie from its site. We suggest that UNO should form an internet regulatory authority for the whole world and some basic principles should be laid down for this purpose with the consent of all members of UNO. We want to put forward another solution, inspire of setting up an internet regulatory authority UNO can form an international court for this purpose to avoid conflicts between different civilizations. Freedom of expression has some limitations and if some one violate these limitations there should be platform for addressing the complaints of grieved parties. We are hopeful the day is not far when international community will feel the importance of these suggestions.


Turkish government is going to ban popular social media site face book and video sharing site you tube. According to media news Turkish Prime minister said that these site are harmful for the society as these websites are affecting the character of youth in the country. Turkish parliament has passed a law through which government has got authority to block any site in the country. This new law allows the telecom monitoring authority of the country to ban any site without the permission of court. Government also made it mandatory for internet service provider companies to store the information of internet users for two years. These companies will be bound to provide this record to government on demand.
Turkish Prime Minister admitted that these websites are dangerous for his government. In fact some one had uploaded a telephonic tape about the corruption of PM on one these sites. In these tapes PM was advising his son to hide the black money in some safe place. PM claimed that tape are fake and opposition uploaded these tapes to stabilize his government. Prime minister of Turkey has criticized the internet many time before too. News paper cutting about face bookSuggestions
Many other countries have also banned these sites. Face book and You tube should revise their policies. An American court has already ordered you tube to remove anti Islam movie from its site. We suggest that UNO should form an internet regulatory authority for the whole world and some basic principles should be laid down for this purpose with the consent of all members of UNO. We want to put forward another solution, inspire of setting up an internet regulatory authority UNO can form an international court for this purpose to avoid conflicts between different civilizations. Freedom of expression has some limitations and if some one violate these limitations there should be platform for addressing the complaints of grieved parties. We are hopeful the day is not far when international community will feel the importance of these suggestions.


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