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Fine Arts Jobs, Career, Scope, Degrees, Subjects, Benefits & Required Skills

All About Career & Scope of Fine Arts (BFA) in Pakistan Degrees, Required Abilities, Advantages, Core Topics and Subjects  

Fine Arts is a field for creative people only. If you natural talent in painting, fashion, music, production, creative writing, studio art, calligraphy, sculpture, designing, acting, illustration, crafts or interior decoration then Fine Arts is the best career option for you. A degree or diploma in Fine Arts may polish your hidden talent. You may become an artist. A person with good aesthetic sense may also enter in this field.

BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
BFA or Bachelor of Fine Arts is the best degree in this field. Its a four year degree after intermediate. Its a unique professional degree which has great demand and scope in job market too. Career conscious students must go for MFA after BFA.

Fine Arts Jobs, Career, Scope, Degrees, Subjects, Benefits & Required Skills

Fine Arts Jobs, Career, Scope, Degrees, Subjects, Benefits & Required Skills

Fine Arts Jobs, Career & Scope
Production Artist
Freelance Worker
Software Companies
Fashion Houses
Commercial Photographer
Creative Writer
Manufacturing Sector
Drawing Teacher
Music Teacher
Product Designer
Film Industry
Publishing Houses
Web Portals
Art Critic
Advertising Companies
Purchasing Manager
3D Artist
Fashion Magazines
Textile Industry
Graphic Designer
Fashion Consultant
Art Studios and Galleries
Television & Radio Industry
Still Photographer
Movie Maker
Technical artists
Craft Artist
Creative Director
Set Designer
Music Director
Art Director
Art and Fashion Marketer
Art Director
Fine Artist
Fashion Designer
Marketing Manager
Interior Decorator
Media Man
Self Employed Artist
Multimedia Artist
Product Manager
Computer Animator
Fine Arts Teacher
Event Organizer
Master Trainer
Miniature Painting
Textile Designing
Theater Artist & Writer
Furniture Designing
Vocational Institutes
Creative Editors
Freelance Writer
Montessori and Kindergartens
Department Manager
You may get job in many other related fields. List given above will give you just an overview about your job prospects.

Required Skills
Natural Talent in Any Field of Fine Arts
Excellent Aesthetic Sense
Artistic Minded Persons
Its an ideal field specially for females.

Benefits of Degree or Diploma in Fine Arts
Degree or diploma in this field will make you multidimensional personality with necessary information about many fields of performing arts.
You may pursue for higher degrees after the completion of BFA program lie MFA and MVA (Masters of Visual Arts).
Qualification in this field will develop your natural burred talent and you will be able to express your natural talent.
If you are sure that in which you want to proceed in future than even diploma in your field of natural talent is enough for rapid career growth.

Core Topics & Subjects  
Here is the list of core subjects in a general degree of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Introduction, History & kinds
™Still Life Painting
Fashion Trends & History
™Landscape Painting
Textile Designing
Naqqashi (Painted)
™Traditional Crafts
Graphic Designing
Figure Drawing
Multi Media Fine Arts
Miniature Drawing (Persian and Mughal techniques)
Marketing & Management
Print & Electronic Media
Calligraphy (Narch, Sulce Scripts)
Composition in Various Medias
Traditional Arts
Different Forms of Fine Arts
Project and Research Paper


NCA is the best institute for the students of Fine Arts in Pakistan. It has good faculty and tract record but if you have natural talent in any field then you just need little bit of help from outside. Your passion will make you successful in your field, so just try to discover your buried natural talent only. Discovering and polishing your talent is more important than your college or degree. You even do not need any degree, diploma or certificate if you have done this exercise.

Stay in touch with the best educational website of Pakistan and its facebook page for guidance about different career options. You are also welcome to ask questions about individual career counseling.