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General Knowledge About History of Gwadar & CPEC in Urdu & English 

Read General Knowledge (GK) Based Article on History of Gwadar & CPEC in Urdu & English 
We know that you have little general knowledge about history of Gwadar so we are going to publish this post. Let us talk about the history of Gwadar. It is a port city which is present in Pakistan. It is located at the southwestern coast side of Balochistan. It is on the shores of this Arabian sea that you can access this port city. It is situated at the west side of Karachi city. It is attached to the border side of Iran and on the east side of it, you will find a Persian Gulf. This port city used to be the possession of Oman from the time of 1783 till 1958. For the larger time, this city remained to be the medium sized settlement. This city possessed the larger amount of strategic value in it. It was in 1954 year that this city was recognized according to this strategic factor. It was till that time of 2001 that its strategic importance could not be explored by different governments who arrived in Pakistan.

Facts About History of Gwadar
Then in the late time of 2001, the project of Gwadar port was started. Its first phase was successfully inaugurated by President of that time General Pervez Musharraf in 2007 year. This first phase had a total cost of 248 million dollars. Because of the lack of investment factor and security concerns, this project faced delays but got completed somehow.

Then in April 2015 time, the announcement was made by Pakistan and China government side that CPEC project will be started in Gwadar. This is an important port city because it is a link and makes a connection between One Road and One Belt project and this Maritime silk road project.

Other Interesting Facts on History of Gwadar
This Gwadar city is also the city which possess liquefied natural gas in huge amounts. This Iran and Pakistan gas pipeline project is happening in this city. Many investment projects are taking place in this city. This China overseas port holding company started the construction of their Gwadar special economic zone in June 2016 on the investment amount of 2 billion dollars.

This city inhabitation time is mostly ancient. For some period of time, this city remained the part of Acheamenid Persian empire. It was in 1958 that Pakistan purchased and bought this Gwadar enclave right from Oman on the amount of 5.5 billion rupees.

Later on the Pakistan government decided that Gwadar should be incorporated into this Balochistan province and this official decision was taken in 1977. Now we suggest that Gwadar should be given the status of summer capital of Pakistan to avoid any ethnic issue in near future.

It is into total five union councils that Gwadar city has been divided. We have Gwadar central union council and it is divided into Gazrawan, Komagri, Mohallah Zahoor Shah, Sohrabi and Saleh Muhammad as well as Usmania zone. Then we have South Gwadar and it is sub divided into Kamari and Mohallah Karim Bakhsh and too Mohallah Shahdu Band, Mullah Band, Murad Bakhsh, Sarabi, Sheikh Umar and Tobagh zone. And we have North Gwadar which comprise of Lal Baksh, Mohalla Baloch, Mohalla Mir Abdul Ghafoor and Mujahid zones. Now read an English article on importance of CPEC and Urdu general knowledge based article on history of Gwadar.

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General Knowledge About History of Gwadar & CPEC in Urdu & English

General Knowledge About History of Gwadar & CPEC in Urdu & English