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General Knowledge About Last Nawab of Bahawalpur Sadiq Muhammad Khan

General Knowledge (GK) About Last Nawab of Sir Bahawalpur Sadiq Muhammad Khan in Urdu & English
Welcome to our personality based general knowledge article. Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan was last ruler of Bahawalpur state. He was born in 1904. He became Nawab only at the age of 3 years. Leaders of All India National Congress tried their best to pressurize for not merging his state in Pakistan, but Nawab decided that Pakistan is the best choice for people of his state. Nawab of Bahawalpur gifted his two costly palaces in then capital of Pakistan Karachi to Quaid e Azam and his sister Fatima Jinnah. Now these palaces are being used as Governor House. Nawab gave the guarantee of Pakistan currency at that time when no one was ready to do so. He also denoted huge amount for paying the salary of government servants in 1947.

Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan provided is royal car for oath taking ceremony of Quaid e Azam. He also gifted his personal Rolls-Royce car and palace to Quaid e Azam. On the state visit of Iranian King he sent dinner sets of gold and silver in a train to Karachi. He never asked to return these dinner sets. He was given the title of Mohsin e Pakistan by Quaid e Azam Muhmmad Ali Jinnah. Bahawalpur was the only state in Indian subcontinent where Urdu was the national language and Islam was the national religion, that’s why Quaid e Azam used to say that Pakistan was also present before partition in shape of Bahawalpur state.

Nawab Sahib was the patron in chief of many modern educational institutes in his state. Free hospitals was set up in the state where patients were also given stipend. Bahawapur was the first state which became part of Pakistan on 5th October. Nawab sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan also donated 52000 pounds to pakistan government. He also donated 100 million rupees for salaries of government servants. He also opened the borders of his state for refugees coming from India. Refugees were provided vacant homes and food for at least one month.

Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan also helped a lot to the effected people of Quetta earthquake of 1935. He was also Donner of Punjab University, King Edward Medical College and Aitchison College Lahore. He also established zoo in his capital. Cricket stadium was also constructed in the city where first test between Pakistan and India was played. Nawab Sahib died in 1967. Now read general knowledge article in Urdu language.

General Knowledge About Last Nawab of Bahawalpur Sadiq Muhammad Khan

General Knowledge About Last Nawab of Bahawalpur Sadiq Muhammad Khan