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German Language & Literature Courses, Jobs, Career & Scope

German Language & Literature Jobs, Degrees, Career & Scope in Pakistan & Abroad
German language is one of the most important languages of the world. Although there are just three German speaking countries in the world i.e Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein yet its has official status as language of minorities in many countries like;

German Language & Literature Courses, Jobs, Career & Scope

German Language & Literature Courses, Jobs, Career & Scope

Vatican City
Czech Republic

As per recent survey about sixteen percent people of European Union speak German language. German language is also spoken in Chile, South Africa, Australia, Paraguay, Norway, Brazil, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Germany has again become a super power but world powers are once again not ready to admit its importance. Germany has the strongest economy in Europe. That’s why every one from underdeveloped countries want to migrate to Germany. Standard of German educational institutes is much higher than the rest of Europe. Education in Germany is 100% free but you will have to learn German language for getting admission in any state college or university as medium of instruction in German educational institutes is German. Now some private universities have also started classes in English only for overseas students. Such universities and colleges charges high fee. IELTS is also compulsory for foreign students.

Hitler is the most controversial personality of Germany, he introduced fascism in the world. Even after his death, he still enjoys a great fan following across the world. Numbers of his opponents is also not small. He is considered responsible for holocaust, during which he killed about 6 million Jews. Pro and anti Hitler people have strong arguments in the favor of their claims. History has not given its decision yet in this regard. Indian Muslims are thankful to Germany as after the 2nd world war UK had become so weak that it was not in condition to control the Indo Pak Subcontinent. After the world war two Germany was divided in to two separate states i.e East Germany and Wet Germany. Later on Wall of Berlin was built to separate the people of both these countries. After the fall of USSR both parts of the country decided to unify for making a united Germany. A senior German intelligence officer send a block of Berlin war to the head of our head of intelligence agency ISI after the fall of USSR for paying his tribute to Pak Army as Pak army played a great role in the defeat of former USSR in Afghanistan.

If you want to migrate to Europe then Germany should be your first choice. It the second land of opportunities after USA, but again you will have to learn the German language.

Courses & Degrees
Recommended degree for you in Pakistan is MA German language and literature. NUML is offering this degree in Pakistan, German language and literature i also offered as an elective and optional subject in Bachelor level in Pakistan. Goethe-Institute and many other universities also offer certificate and diploma level courses in German language for those who want to study or migrate in Germany. You may also learn German language through online courses. HU is offering free language course, but we will recommend you Goethe-Institute only.

Jobs, Career & Scope
Employment Areas
UNO Agencies
TV Channels
Foreign Affairs Department
Traveling Agencies
Research Institutes
Home Tutor Providing Agencies
Publishing Houses
PIA & Other Airlines
German Language Institutes
Import & Export Companies
Jobs in all German Speaking Countries

Job Types
Homer Tutor
Language Researcher
Creative Writer
TV Channels
Print Media
Fiction Writer and its sister website welcome queries. Wish you all the best;