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Have You Won 25000 Rupees From BISP? Check Online

Benazir Income Support Programme BISP Scam Alert-Have You Won Prize of Rs.25000/- From BISP Through Lucky Draw? Check Online 

Large number of people are reeving fake SMS from scammers that they have won prize 25000 from Benazir Income Support Programme. People are asked to call on given number for further details and release of funds. When they call on the given number, they are asked to send easy load of 1000 rupees as verification fee. Lot of people have lost their money due to these swindlers. FIA, BISP and other law enforcement agencies are not taking any kind of action against these scammers.


BISP Helpline Number


These swindlers have earn millions of rupees just because of our weak legal system. Kindly never believe on such fake SMS and calls as there is no reality in them. Many people are receiving fake emails too from African countries. They are also asked to send certain amount of dollars for the transfer lottery money. Some times old aged dying rich females want to transfer their property of million of rupees to the accounts of Pakistani people. Its also a scam. You should delete all such emails without reading/opening them as just by opening such emails you may lost your privacy details.



You may also receive email from your friend who is traveling aboard that he has lost his wallet and he needs some funds for buying return ticket. In fact swindlers hack the emails of people by the above mentioned method and send such emails on their all contact list. We know that our agencies can not take action against such international swindlers, but at least they should take strict action against the local Pakistani swindlers, who are cheating the people in the name of BISP (Benazir Income Support Program ).



These calls can be traced and blocked easily then what is them earning of this shameful negligence by government. You may read an Urdu column of Ali Moeen Nawazish about the BISP scam below this page.Remember neither BISP is distributing 25000 among people through lucky draw nor there is any online method for checking such fake SMS in the name of BISP, as all such SMS are fake. We hope that you will not ignore such SMS,email and calls. Kindly write letter to editors for pressurizing the government to take action against such swindlers. We hope that you will like to share this public service post with your friends.Stay connected with and its facebook page.

Have You Won 25000 Rupees From BISP? Check Online

Have You Won 25000 Rupees From BISP? Check Online