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Dr Zia ul Islam 2nd President of MSF & Hero Of Pakistan Movement

Tribute To Great Hero of Pakistan Movement –  Dr Zia ul Islam Second  President of MSF
We have started a new category on our website i.e  celebrity. In this category we shall publish articles about heroes of different fields. Today we shall introduce you with a great student leader and hero of Pakistan movement, who worked hard with Quaid e Azam for the creation our beloved country.  Dr.Zia ul Islam was a great freedom fighter and second president of Muslim Students Federation (MSF). He was one of those people who could meet Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah without any prior appointment. He was a close associate of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah through out the Pakistan movement.and he took the charge of MSF from its Hameed Nizami (1943 – 1944)(1944 -1945)(1947-1949) in a very crucial period of Pakistan movement. He was student at that time but with his pocket money and self earned money, he traveled all over the India to spread the message of All India Muslim League.

Aga Ghulam Nabi Pathan admitted in his interview with renowned journalist Munir Ahmad Khan that role of this young student leader was unforgettable in Pakistan movement. In fact he was a true soldier of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Dr Zia ul Islam 2nd President of MSF & Hero Of Pakistan Movement

Dr Zia ul Islam 2nd President of MSF & Hero Of Pakistan Movement

Dr.Zia.ul.Islam was was also member of All India Muslim League Council (1943-1945)(1945-1947). Government of Pakistan awarded gold medal to Dr.Zia.ul.Islam, admitting his great role in Pakistan movement. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif himself awarded Dr.Zia.ul.Islam with Tehreek e Pakistan gold medal in 1998. He was also the trustee of tehrik .Pakistan Foundation.

Dr Zia ul Islam

Dr Zia ul Islam With Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah During Pakistan Movement 

As a person he was very simple and of kind nature.He never took benefits for his position and title.after Pakistan came into being. The very first government allotted a big property for the compensation of his property in India, which this great man distributed among the refugees came all through India.

Dr Zia ul Islam 2nd President of MSF & Hero Of Pakistan Movement

His daughter Ume Kalsoom advocate High Court used to ask him that what he earned in his struggle for Pakistan movement. He always replied that he would get his reward in the world hereafter. I am proud that he was a close friend of my father too. He was the leader of Pakistani students that’s why still all members of MSF respect him and his family. He was a real role model for the young generation. After the creation of Pakistan he never accepted any role in government in spite of many offers. He love Quaid e Azam so much that after his death he left politics and never joined it again. He wanted to see the Pakistan as per the dreams of Allama Iqbal and Quaid e Azam. He never left Pakistan Muslim League or joined any other party till his death. Even his wife (Begum Musarat Zia) also worked for the social goods and playing an active role in Pakistan Muslim League till now.Dr.Zia.ul.Islam died on 14th of  November ,2004.

Dr Zia ul Islam 2nd President of MSF & Hero Of Pakistan Movement

Do you think that Pakistani government and people should not be thank full to the family of a great freedom fighter who scarified his life for our future generation. His daughter Ume Kalsoom advocate is my colleague and right now her own land purchased by Dr.Zia.ul.Islam has been occupied by the soan gardens Islamabad but nobody is listening and trying to get the family of this great leader out of this corrupt grab of land. Its a matter of shame for Pakistani nation and government. I have recorded my protest by writing this post now its your turn to raise voice against this injustice. Visit and its facebook page daily for reading informative articles on celebrities of all fields.